Massage/Aromatherapy Session [ Active ]

Jun 21, 2008 01:06

Characters: Chansey, Leon, and Ivysaur (whom won't speak very much)
Where: Nurse's Office
What: Chansey gives Leon a massage as Ivysaur uses Aromatherapy.
When: Dated back to after last Saturday's Gijinka Seminar

"Awww, come on, Ivy-chi. Please just do me this one favor? Plus, the professor needs your help and, since you skipped out on his class to tend to the roses, you owe him at least this much," Chansey pleaded as she dragged Ivysaur into the Nurse's Office. She glanced around the room to make sure everything was set in place for Professor Powalski.

Hmm. Table and cushions - check. Towels? Check. All the oils...? Super check! Now all I just need is... Chansey glanced up at the slightly taller Ivysaur and pouted. Maintaining a firm grip on Ivysaur's arm, she said, "Pleaaaaase, Ivy-chi? You're usually not one to turn down an opportunity to help others, no matter how much you try to remain distant."

Chansey waited for Ivysaur to give her a positive reply and subjected to using her puppy eyes to further influence Ivysaur. Puppy eyes, as she very well knew, were one of Ivysaur's weaknesses and she was determined to get Ivysaur to agree. After all, Chansey knew she could never find a good scented candle or bath salts that could heal status problems as well as Ivysaur's Aromatherapy skill could. Ivysaur's scents would be an important asset to calming Prof. Powalki during the massage.

!rp log, ivy/ivysaur (pokemon), leon powalski (starfox), chansey (pokemon)

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