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GROUP UP! burnoutthesky May 9 2009, 09:17:59 UTC
"Now that you have been assigned your colours, get into your groups, grab your gear and wait for the whistle."


Re: GROUP UP! mister_nintendo May 9 2009, 12:41:31 UTC
(pretty pwease with sugar on top?)

*Mario, with his hands behind his head, proceeds to do an innocent whistle walk over to the violet equipment and...YOINK*

*He then runs over to Peach once he puts all his gear on* Peach! Looks-a like we ended up on the same team!

*Oh Mario you're so sneaky*


Re: GROUP UP! bowser_junior May 9 2009, 20:21:33 UTC
Junior was grinning like a madman as he barreled toward the table full of stockpiled artillery, plucked up his respective green pellets, gun, and other gear, and was just about ready to load up...

... when he noticed Peach was there; and it didn't take long for Mario to show up, too.

The large humanized prince could only stare blankly at the pair. Apparently they were on the same team, with the plumber put on guard around the vulnerable princess. The sight of this inexplicably filled Junior with an ever-growing sense of wrath - a type of rage he hadn't felt in a looong while. Not since the whole Isle Delfino incident, anyway. He wisely kept his one-fanged mouth shut, however, and went back to equipping his stuff for the upcoming match. The only thing that evidently showed his annoyance was the angry scowl present upon his features.


Re: GROUP UP! bulbmin_glutton May 10 2009, 00:58:12 UTC
Hojita made her way around and searched for any sign of any of her green teammates. She tapped her fingers lightly on her gun and looked over for any slight shade of green gear. Hmmm...

... Oh, look, there was someone with green!

"HI! Are we on the same team? It looks like we're on the same team, are we? Are we?" She bounced over to him with the biggest, toothiest smile on her face. Yay, a teammate! He looked a little funny, but ... okay then!


Re: GROUP UP! bowser_junior May 11 2009, 04:29:43 UTC

Mr. Hoo-Guy put that chick on his team. The bemused prince didn't know Hojita all that well -- aside from the fact that she really (REALLY) liked meat and was, as her current appearance portrayed to him, a girl. Girls and paintball weren't exactly mixing together properly in his mind.

"I... uh... I guess so." he replied to the excited Bulbmin, holding up his gun a little toward her to show off his team color. "You know anybody else who's on our team?"


Re: GROUP UP! bulbmin_glutton May 11 2009, 20:55:55 UTC
"Uhmm, I dunno! Hmm..." Hojita glanced around and then pointed over to what looked like... a brown-haired kid with buck teeth? Wasn't he assigned green gear?

"I think, maybe, he might be one of us, maybe maybe?" She tugged Junior by his hand a little, not really yanking him forward, but just pulling on him.


Re: GROUP UP! getthisguyoffme May 9 2009, 21:08:36 UTC
Slippy grabs his armor and almost expertly puts it on and loads his gun.

"This is gonna be fun."


Re: GROUP UP! theblubbening May 9 2009, 21:34:38 UTC
Tubba Blubba finished loading up his gun. He put the teacher in his sights, and-

...Was that who he thought it was in violet?

Why yes, it was a certain plumber. Shooting the stupid teacher would have to wait. He had plenty of paintballs, and could probably unload quite a few at Mario before Ho-Oh noticed. He didn't particularly care whether he won or lost. He just had to stay inconspicuous. He flipped up his hood, obscuring the bright orange hair that would have marked him as Tubba Blubba from a mile away, being certain to stay out of Mario's field of vision. This was war.


Re: GROUP UP! monotreme_101 May 9 2009, 23:59:29 UTC
"Hey buddy!" Knuckles said, walking over and reaching up to clap Tubba on the shoulder. "Looks like you, me, and my other friend Apple Kid are in a team together! Awesome, huh? I wonder who's on the Green team..."


Re: GROUP UP! theblubbening May 10 2009, 00:02:35 UTC
Tubba jumped slightly at Knuckles' pat, but quickly calmed himself down once the voice registered as his friend's. "Hey. Um... I don't know. You won't mind if we lose, right?"


Re: GROUP UP! monotreme_101 May 10 2009, 00:06:18 UTC
"Not really, but why would we?" Knuckles replied. "We can take out the other team no problems, man - They're just students, same as us."

Of course, he had no idea that Tubba had other victims on his mind.


Re: GROUP UP! theblubbening May 10 2009, 00:14:32 UTC
"Well... I'm counting on you?" It was more of a question than a statement. "I probably won't be too good at it." He didn't have time to explain his past with the plumber at the moment, and he wouldn't have been much help against the green team anyway.


Re: GROUP UP! monotreme_101 May 10 2009, 00:25:18 UTC
"Hah! C'mon man... you'll do fine! Just point and squeeze the trigger and run like hell if someone looks like they're aiming you up! Piece of cake, bra." Knuckles replied. "We'll nail 'em hard."


Re: GROUP UP! theblubbening May 10 2009, 00:44:36 UTC
"I'll give it a shot." He almost felt bad. Almost.


Re: GROUP UP! monotreme_101 May 10 2009, 17:32:09 UTC
"...give it a shot. I see what you did there." Knuckles replied with a snicker.


Re: GROUP UP! theblubbening May 10 2009, 23:10:34 UTC
Tubba had not seen what he did there. He sighed with a light facepalm. If there was one thing Tubba Blubba didn't consider himself, it was punny.


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