Chari teaches Hoji the ways of the INTERNET.

Feb 16, 2009 21:31

Characters: Hojita, Charizard
What: AIM log of Chari teaching Hoji of 'NET THINGS and AIM and such.
Where: ... AIM :V
When: Feburary 16th
Rating: G, maybe slight PG, I dunno~

((Timestamps left in 'cause I'm lazy.))

[20:48] eatinurmeat oUo: BIG SISTER!! HELLO? oUo Is this working?!
[20:49] FlyingVolcano006: Hoji hold on ack I'm typing!
[20:49] eatinurmeat oUo: OOOH sorry! So I guess you saw it!?
[20:50] FlyingVolcano006: Yes, silly, I saw it. I wouldn't be replying if I didn't, Hojita, unless I was psychic. ...
[20:50] FlyingVolcano006: I kinda wish I was psychic, I wouldn't have destroyed my old computer looking for you... or worrying half-to-death BUT ANYWAY
[20:50] FlyingVolcano006: THIS IS THE INTERNET
[20:51] eatinurmeat oUo: o^o I didn't mean to worry you though!! But oh well, um, at least you have a new computer now!
[20:51] eatinurmeat oUo: But anyway! This is so neat!!
[20:51] eatinurmeat oUo: I'm only used to journal entries! ^U^;
[20:51] FlyingVolcano006: Yes, but it's so small and it's hard to type and ack why're you so fast
[20:52] eatinurmeat oUo: oUo;; Whoops!
[20:52] FlyingVolcano006: It's okay! That's a good thing!
[20:52] eatinurmeat oUo: Really? ... It means I can catch up and stuff, right?! And I won't have to worry about anyone typing faster than me and I can't type as fast so they're typing faster than me and I'm slow to them and... I can type fast?
[20:53] FlyingVolcano006: Ackpth
[20:53] FlyingVolcano006: Yes, honey, that's what it means. IT also means you can type up essays really quickly, and win arguments! On the internet!
[20:53] FlyingVolcano006: Winning is nice.
[20:53] eatinurmeat oUo: Really? Arguments can happen on the internet?! o^o Eek!
[20:54] eatinurmeat oUo: But yaaay, that means I can do my essays faster! (I could have sworn it was spelled sas!! ^U^)
[20:54] FlyingVolcano006: Don't worry, Hoji. They're usually funny once they're all over and done with! The arguments, that is. (I, uh, thought they were spelled "zeys" when I was learning English in the Day Care...)
[20:55] eatinurmeat oUo: Ooooh, okay! So then arguments are ... bad but good but bad but good!!
[20:56] FlyingVolcano006: They're usually silly, Hojita! People on the internet (online) will call them serious business, but they're just joking (but sometimes they actually believe their jokes).
[20:56] eatinurmeat oUo: Oooh... I think I get it! Mostly! It's actually a little complicated, though, like how can you tell if they're jokinh or not?! oUo
[20:56] eatinurmeat oUo: ... I mean joking! Whoops!
[20:57] FlyingVolcano006: It's kind of hard to do so, but most of the time they'll use weird three letter words that mean other things, like "lol" and "ftw" or something.
[20:57] FlyingVolcano006: I have NO idea how to pronounce those things.
[20:58] eatinurmeat oUo: ... I guess lol can be pronounced like the lol in the lollipop? I dunno about ftw, though!
[20:59] eatinurmeat oUo: Maybe it's pronounced ... 'fit-ew'! oUo
[20:59] FlyingVolcano006: M... Maybe! I dunno, really. I never pay any attention to the words because they make no sense, but it seems lke nobody takes those people seriously!
[21:00] eatinurmeat oUo: Ooooh... okay! That's weird, are there any more words like that that you know or something?! Even if I don't have to pay attention to them! I'm curious!
[21:00] FlyingVolcano006: Uhmmm...
[21:01] FlyingVolcano006: I think "rofl" and "lmao", "brb", "bbl", "bbq" (It's also on food packets!), "roflmao"...
[21:01] FlyingVolcano006: There's a bunch others but I think they're sort of... not appropriate for, uhm... well mannered... people.
[21:02] FlyingVolcano006: (If anyone tells you I have bad manners, they MAY be lying until you're old enough!)
[21:02] eatinurmeat oUo: ... OHHH I remember bbq! I saw that on chip bags one time and I asked what that meant! Barbeq, I think it's spelled!!
[21:03] eatinurmeat oUo: But uhm... oUo; Okay, so I can't get those until I'm older then?! I don't want them if they're not for well-manneredd peoples, though!
[21:03] FlyingVolcano006: Hee hee. Well, uhm... I guess I can show you a LITTLE bit about the internet so that we can find out how to spell stuff!
[21:04] eatinurmeat oUo: Oooh, REALLY?! Like what?
[21:04] eatinurmeat oUo: What else do I get to learn?!
[21:05] FlyingVolcano006: Welllllll....
[21:05] FlyingVolcano006: With the INTERNET (not always in caps!), we can SEARCH THE WEB (also not always in caps)!
[21:05] eatinurmeat oUo: ... I thought the web was for spiders!
[21:05] FlyingVolcano006: Well, no, that's, uhm... spider webs.
[21:05] FlyingVolcano006: This is a WORLD WIDE WEB
[21:06] FlyingVolcano006: (... not made by world wide spiders)
[21:06] FlyingVolcano006: It's... it's basically what the internet is.
[21:06] eatinurmeat oUo: ... OHHH so it's another word for it! Okay, I get it!! I wonder how many people get confused by the word, though!
[21:06] eatinurmeat oUo: But anyways! Show me stuff?! oUo
[21:08] FlyingVolcano006: Well! First, open that thingie that looks like a red Vulpix circling a planet by clicking on it!
[21:09] eatinurmeat oUo: ... okay! I did it! I remember this thing! Okay, what next?!
[21:09] FlyingVolcano006: Nooow go to the blue G thingie in the top right corner, and tyyyype... bbq!
[21:10] FlyingVolcano006: Thennn press Enter or Return (the big key on the keyboard that isn't long!)
[21:10] eatinurmeat oUo: Oooh, I got a list of places about barbeq stuff!
[21:11] eatinurmeat oUo: Which one do I click on?!
[21:12] FlyingVolcano006: Uhmm...
[21:12] FlyingVolcano006: The one that says "- Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia"?
[21:13] eatinurmeat oUo: ... okay, I just clicked it! Aaaand hold on a second!!
[21:13] eatinurmeat oUo: ... SO MANY MEAT PICTURES!
[21:14] eatinurmeat oUo: Do I have to read all of this?! Or just see the meat OUO
[21:14] FlyingVolcano006: Wellll...
[21:15] FlyingVolcano006: You can just read how it's spelled, silly!
[21:15] FlyingVolcano006: ... But that meat DOES look tasty. We can go eat soon?
[21:15] eatinurmeat oUo: ... SISTER CAN WE GO EAT STEAK SOON
[21:15] FlyingVolcano006: YES
[21:15] eatinurmeat oUo: OUO
[21:16] eatinurmeat oUo: YAY!! We need to make sure they don't cook mine!!
[21:16] FlyingVolcano006: I never really notice the difference between cooked and uncooked, but okay, Hoji!
[21:17] eatinurmeat oUo: Cooked tastes kind of funnier to me, but oh well! When do we get to go? Or do we get to look at more internets stuff?! oUo
[21:17] FlyingVolcano006: Well, whenever you'd like, silly! I'll, uhm... FLY IN FROM FAR AWAY
[21:18] FlyingVolcano006: 'cause people on the Internet are far away!
[21:18] eatinurmeat oUo: Yes! ^U^ OKAY! Then we caaaaan GO NOW?!
[21:20] FlyingVolcano006: Uhm, YES. I fly really fast. SWOOSH (No matter what it looks like I did not come in from the bathroom, it just looks that way). LET'S GO.
[21:21] eatinurmeat oUo: YAY!

!chat log, hojita/bulbmin (pikmin)

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