Who: Basically everyone, and special guests from Capcom High.
When: Friday, February 6th, 7:00
Where: The FOOTBALL FIELD. Because that is where one plays FOOTBALL.
Rating: PG-13.
It's on the warm side for a February night, and rather conveniently so. The football field and bleachers have been cleared of any and all snow, the yard lines repainted, and the stadium lights illuminating the green of the field. As kickoff approaches, the stands begin to fill.
On one side, SumaBura Gakuen. The pride of Final Destination City. Kids that have seen and done more than one could possibly imagine.
On the other, Capcom High School. Renowned for their combat skills and fighting prowess. Kids that can handle anything.
And in the middle,
the referee, who is probably not being paid enough for this.
SumaBura had done well this season. So had Capcom High. It was only appropriate, then, that the very last game of the year would pit the teams against each other. As they arrive on the field to warm up, the tension is practically tangible.
With clock counting down to game time, only one question begs to be answered.
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((But Whit, I don't know anything about football!
FEAR NOT! It's easy!))