Jan 04, 2012 19:53

Mesdames and Messrs,

In these cold and lonely days after the holidays, I felt we could all use some bright cheer, before our flight into Egypt Dreamwidth.

As such, I have put together a few choice items for your perusal. The first of which are a selection of touching Max and Rock comics, requested by Mlle. Toni in future payment for such glories as I cannot here explain, but which, should the Lord tarry, you shall all be subject at a time deemed both proper and just.

The opening of our adventure. To some, this scene will create fond memories, though the characters are altered slightly.

Come on, grab your friends; we'll go to very distant lands.

Infant babies are the children our children have, like nesting dolls in the womb.

Max proves himself to know the true measure of a man. It is punching.

The parallel structures broke down in the final panel; this is my greatest failure.

And then, dear reader, I stopped making comics, but Mlle. Toni requested something to break her heart. So, after bleeding her heart through a samovar, this happened:

I want to know.

And then, dear gentle readers, I created Maximilian J. Powers in City of Heroes.

Here is his first costume. A familiar outfit.

He is an Electric Melee/Invulnerability brawler. Had I known you could make brutes as heroes now, I would have made him a brute. OH WELL.

And here is outfit number 2.

Look, it's his alternate outfit from Dual Strike. It's atrocious. And also night-time, which is why everything looks extra blue.

And then, dear reader, I remembered a certain something that certain others used to do. And so I decided that I would try it for myself. I received some help in this endeavor from Mesdames Toni, Alice, Katie, and Kiz, and also from M. Jeff.

I saw the pink pants and went "Well, that needs to be Duster. And I'm pretty sure that means the other guy has to be Flint."

This came to me via the suggestions of M. Jeff. We salute you, Jeffery.

Mlle. Toni requested this. Robotnik is, shockingly, slightly altered from the original model that was actually in this drawing.

Mlle. Katie produced these three names for me. And, thusly, this happened. I personally believe this is how Slippy spends most of his weekends.

These characters were given to me by Mlle. Kiz. It is hoped that this is to her liking. Goombella, we discover here, makes sure to use protection. Head protection.

This comes to me at the bequest of Mlle. Alice. Alice, God bless you, this was the best request of the whole process. Anyone who disagrees with me is wrong.

I remain your ever humble,
Chris, M.A., B.A.


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