Oct 03, 2011 00:42

Some time ago, Toni approached me with the desire to do an MS Paint log. Because. I draw MS Paints. And she draws well. It seemed like a match made in some sort of celestial realm of the deceased.

What follows is the fruits of our labors over the course of a week.

If you are all exceedingly lucky this will never happen again.

Toni's only statement about the following is: "I'm sorry about everything."

Her sentiments are shared by myself.

Our tale begins with half of Vinnie's head in a room with a door. Most likely his dormitory room.

When, lo! Maximilian Justice Powers appears to share with half of Vinnie's head a very important piece of information. SHOPPING SPREE.

Vincent, currently taking care of his comically large tulips with the world's least appropriate watering can, seems confused, and also strangely linear.

"This is called sarcasm."

It's such a pleasant face that Max makes.

Vincent is crabby because he's Vincent.

Max relates a universal truth.

Somehow, Vincent has captured a tiny death inside of his wallet. Now that it is on the loose, something small is sure to die. Also, his wallet is empty.

Vincent is also vulgar. And ugly as sin.

It's no surprise that Vincent is wilting, as he is but a delicate English flower basking in the radiance that is Max's abs.

The bumper sticker on his other tank reads "If you can read this you are probably already dead." Because it's true.

Max has their charge card. HE TAKES IT TO THE LIMIT. Because he uses it frequently. someone shoot me

At least it isn't dick length, Vincent.

Introducing what may be the greatest character I have ever designed: Biff, the guy who works at Testosterattire.

The answer, Vincent, is yes. Yes he is real. And also, Max's arms get progressively more terrifying as this log wears on. You have been warned.

I don't care.

It's the greatest section.

This happens on an almost hourly basis with Max.

Did I forget to mention that Biff is the greatest character I ever came up with?

Vincent is concerned with the selection of tank tops. They seem pretty extreme for his delicate English flower sensibilities.

Meanwhile, Max shows off his totally impressive bod to all of the bros at the store. There is nothing gay about this at all.

Max's armpits have more hair than most people have on their heads. Because Max is a MAN.



Vinnie translates himself into a jigglypuff for a moment. Because he is gay.

Max and Max's biceps are correct.

Macaulay Culkin in the back there is all worried.

Exceedingly vulgar.

He's just jealous of Max and his homoeroticism.

Wait, what is this, dear reader? Max is doing a thing that might be unexpected! How novel! O, to think that such a plot twist could be conceived of, it is unconceivable!

Ganondorf should get a job at this place. He'd totally fit in.

"But Chris, I thought that Vinnie was angry when he left, not sad and crying to himself."

Vincent turns around to look at what new development has developed.

Vincent produces the world's most beautiful eyes.

Max is every Saur's best friend. He is twice as manly as Green and Red put together, which I suppose would be a highly conflicted kid named Brown.


*Tank top designed by the cast and crew of Saved By The Bell*


And then Vinnie put on an Orange Star muscle shirt.

And then he stopped wearing it. While Max's biceps grew two sizes.

Max, those are the eyes of an enchanted prince.

Max keeps his money in between his muscles.

Paying for things with this gives you a five o'clock shadow.

Vincent, however, has used it to buy a rainbow, which is currently negating the stubble effect.

He has enough rainbow to share.

Biff and the Testosterattire bros have no idea what to do with this turn of events.

It's just like that one drawing Toni did with Mac and Vinnie, only instead there is a letter X and more muscles than you can shake several sticks at.

It was at this point that Toni's mind snapped.

So I answered her. And yes, my sideburns actually do turn reddish as they grow down my face and yes they are that large, I haven't trimmed them since July. My sideburns are the equivalent of Max's arms.


And then Toni decided to draw an alternate ending.

It is not meant for children.

It's highly adult.

You have been warned.

You should probably not continue to look any further.

But, as most of this game is full of debauched libertines, and bold-faced strumpets, I know that you all will go and look further.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

This is what happens when Toni tries to be Naoko Takeuchi.


toni, chris

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