Secret Santa, The final part!

Jan 07, 2011 22:59

And this is the end of the line. Thanks to everyone who participated, sorry for making you guys wait until after Christmas, BUT HERE WE ARE, OVERFLOODED WITH PICTURES I think it was worth it.

♥ ♥


ergaeth kinda not safe for work
Seriously, HE CAN EXPLAIN!

Love, Katie


Love, Dee


Sasha whut


3 legged races

Mewtwo getting punched icon

Lip running icon
Love, Bret and Jaime


lighter and zippo

pory/ghor porn (sort of)
Love, Toni and Jess


Jess is also offering this icon collection she made. Take anything you want!
Love, Cass and Jess ♥

Angry Nephee icon!

It was late in the evening when there was a knock on Giovanni's door. The former Rocket boss had been passing the time reading a geology text, coming up with ideas for his next class, when this interruption arrived. Without a word, he got up from his chair and opened up the door. Honestly, he was surprised by just who was standing there. It took him a few moments before he could even acknowledge the visitor: "Silver."

The red-haired boy, hands stuffed into the pockets of his oversized sweater, tried not to make eye contact with his father. Their relationship could hardly be described as cordial, but yet here he was. And not only that, he wasn't yelling. "Can I come in?" he asked quietly, as if forcing himself to utter the words.

Unaccustomed to such a... humbling display from his son, Giovanni stepped aside from the doorway to usher the boy inside. He honestly had no idea what comment to make, but he did have to know one thing. "What is it?" he asked.

Silver let himself in without a word, and plopped himself down carelessly on the edge of Giovanni's bed. He looked around the room, trying to avoid making eye contact with his father, lifting a hand to play with his long red hair unconsciously. It was another quiet, tense few minutes before Silver finally said something. "I wanna ask a question."

Partially relieved by this revelation, Giovanni visibly relaxed. Given recent events, he expected far worse. "Oh, is that so?" he asked, crossing his arms and leaning on his desk. For that briefest of moments, it was like they were a real father and son again. "And what's that?"

After another moment, Silver looked up, stared directly into his father's eyes, and asked, "Where do babies come from?"

Giovanni went pale. His mind flashed back to every Pokemon that Team Rocket had taken in its history; every terrified look, every teary eyed expression, every unknowing stare. And he realized that now, finally, he understood their fear. "Oh. I. That is. Um. Why do you ask?" he finally stammered, forcing the words from his lips.

"Lyra keeps bugging me," Silver huffed. "She was talking about how she's gonna have a bunch of awesome babies with Team Rocket Kid. I told her she was stupid, and then she told me that Pelippers brought babies. I said she was wrong, then she dared me to tell her how it really works. But I didn't know, so I just stormed off. So I need to know the truth, so I can go back and rub it in her face."

Giovanni shouldn't have been surprised, and yet, there he was. His first instinct was to say "Go ask your mother", but naturally that was quite impossible. After thinking about the most delicate way to say this and yet maintain his dignity, he finally said, "Well, Lyra is... mostly right."

Silver scoffed and hopped up off the bed. "Shoulda known better than to ask you," he huffed, storming for the door. "Whatever, I'll just go ask Miss Blacky. She'll tell me."

And with that, Giovanni was left alone in his room. On the one hand, he had no doubt that Silver would get the answers he sought. On the other hand, he had a feeling that it would just get Silver to hate him just a little bit more. He thought about going after Silver and bringing him back to just tell him the truth, but after wrestling with the possibilities in his head, he finally came to a decision.

"Well, it's not like he can hate me any more as it is..." And so he went back to his book.


Giovanni Moretti was getting more than a little annoyed, and more than that, quite angry. He hadn't seen his Kangaskhan in some time now. She was gone this morning, and had not returned. He immediately began to suspect the worst, given his reputation in the school and the number of people who despised him. His first thought was that someone, possibly Miss Blacky or even Red or his blasted team had stolen her from him just for some sort of twisted payback, as if they hadn't done enough to him. But things were bad enough without him making accusations he couldn't back up. So he did his due diligence, and that afternoon saw him out and about, hoping to find some sign of her and prove his suspicions wrong.

He began to scour every inch of the grounds. No sign in the teachers' dorms, no sign in the student dorms, no sign in the main building. And with every failure he grew more and more frustrated.

The first sign that things may have been going right for him was when he ran into someone he knew well, one of the few people there he trusted. "Mac," he called out.

Little Mac was out pacing near the parking lot. It was hardly a place Giovanni expected to find a lost Pokemon, let alone the boxer, who as far as he knew didn't drive. And yet there he was, pacing with his hands crossed behind his back and a pensive look on his face. He was snapped out of his reverie by Giovanni's call, and he quickly turned to face him. "Oh! Hi there," he said quickly.

"By chance," Giovanni began, "you haven't seen Kangaskhan, have you?" he asked hopefully.

Mac was quiet. "Oh, um..."

That was a suspicious response. Giovanni's eyes narrowed. "What do you know?" he demanded.

Mac held up his hands defensively. "N-no! There's nothing wrong! She's fine!" he insisted.

"Where is she?" Giovanni asked again.

"She's with a friend," Mac tried to explain.


After a moment, Mac sighed. "Follow me," he said quietly, turning and walking towards the fields next to the lot. Arms crossed, Giovanni followed. Of all the people he expected to be involved in one of these absurd plots, Mac was the last one he expected. Well, whatever it was, Giovanni vowed to put a stop to it. He was ready for whatever this accursed hell hole dished out.

He was not ready for what he ended up finding.

In the clearing, not only was his Kangaskhan standing there, but also Nancy from the cafeteria. And they were both wrestling with a huge, overweight, bald man with a flaming red beard and overalls. Giovanni just stared at the spectacle before him, as the giant man got the two Pokemon in headlocks, laughing. "C'mon! You'll never take me down like that, eh!"

Giovanni blinked. "Who is that?" he asked.

"He's a friend of mine from Canada," Mac said. "He wanted to look around, find someone tough to fight... I didn't think they'd all come looking for HIM."

"Wait, they both came to HIM?" Giovanni asked incredulously. Mac nodded. The Rocket boss just stared at the sight. Nancy and Kangaskhan both looked like they weren't in pain. Rather, they looked like they were... having fun. Like it was a good workout. "Well... They look like they're not in any pain. I guess it's--"

"WHERE IS HE," a very angry, burly voice demanded. Mac and Giovanni whirled around. There was Max, in all his muscle-bound, shirtless glory. "WHERE IS THE SCRAWNY BOXER."

"Uh, you mean me?" Mac asked.

"NO, THE OTHER ONE," Max demanded. He pointed a beefy arm towards Bear Hugger. "THAT ONE!" he shouted. "I'M NEXT," he shouted, storming towards the scene of the fight.

One by one, more and more students emerged from the dorms and found their way towards the makeshift boxing/wrestling ring. Bear Hugger was taking all comers. And all Mac and Giovanni could do was stare in disbelief.


Nephenee couldn't remember the last time she set foot in a library. Oh sure, she had been in them before, but only when instructed to. When it was her job. When was she ever going to need books? She was a soldier!

How the mighty fell, sometimes.

Having never had formal schooling before, Neph was completely unprepared for the experience of coming to Smash Academy. So when she learned that her classes all seemed to require her to read, she was distraught. And not just read, but read some pretty advanced books. What did they expect her to do? Her? A girl from the country! She could barely figure out how that magic box in her room worked! And now she had to read books on "ethics", "politics" and "seycology?" She was a warrior, not some fancy book-learned priest!

After stumbling her way around, Neph finally settled on a book. She pulled it off the shelf, opened it up, and her eyes scanned the page. So intent on the document before her, Neph barely noticed a small girl coming up to her. At least, not until the girl tugged at her shirt.

Neph jumped a bit, almost dropping the book. She looked down. There was Spinny, looking up at her. Under her other arm was a book of her own, and clutched in her hand was the rod for a mask that bore a rather confused face. However Spinny's own face was frozen in her permanent frown. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"You shouldn't go scarin' folks like that!" Neph told her. "Oh, I'm just... readin'!" she answered. "You know how much all these classes expect us to read? I swear, that political science teacher must hate us!"

"I'm sure he does," Spinny said. "So you're reading a political science book?" she asked.


Spinny looked at the book spine. "This book is for sex-ed."

Neph looked down at the book. Her face was bright red. On the one hand, she could pretend she was reading it all along and try to save face, as it were, or she could admit the truth.

She chose the former.

"Oh! Oh, I was just... reading up on... homework..." she stammered.

Spinny looked up at her. "And the book's upside down."

Neph looked at it again. Then back at Spinny. And then back at the book. She closed the book. "All right. I can't read," she sighed, hanging her head, shoulders drooping.

Spinny patted her back quietly, twiddling with her mask. "I could show you how," she suggested.

Neph perked up. "You'd do that for me?" she asked. Spinny nodded. Neph answered her question with a big hug, dropping the book and practically lifting Spinny up off the ground happily. "Oh thank you, thank you!" she said over and over.

A few minutes later, as Spinny and Neph sat at a table with some elementary spelling books, EVA came through the library with a book cart. She took a look over at the pair, shaking her head at the strange sight. As she walked, her cart bumped into the discarded book.

She reached down and picked it up, flipping through a few pages and finding a few... rather graphic pictures. Obviously the book came from Ganondorf. A few more pages, and she scoffed. "Amateurs," she said, closing it and sliding it back on the shelf, whistling as she went about her work.


"Are you sure about this?" Giovanni asked nervously.

"Relax," Raikov told him, wrapping his arms around Giovanni's waist. "I do this all the time. Trust me. You'll enjoy it..."

"I've never done this before..."

"There's always a first for everything." Raikov's hands tightened around a leather strap.

"But it'll be a rough ride, won't it?"

Raikov grinned. "I certainly hope so," he said.

Giovanni bit his lip. After a moment, he nodded. "All right. I trust you."

"You won't regret this," Raikov said, leaning forwards and bracing himself against Giovanni's tense form.

"I've heard that before," Giovanni scoffed.

Raikov didn't answer. He simply held the leather strap up, and snapped it down...

Mere moments later, a rainbow flew over Smash Academy. Two men rode on the back of a pure white unicorn with a rainbow mane. The beast left a trail of rainbow colors behind it as it flew through the air with unimaginable grace. Giovanni clung to the unicorn's mane as it soared through the air. Raikov held the reins, sitting behind Giovanni and controlling the ride. He grinned. "Told you you'd enjoy it."
Love, Jeff and Pixle (who did icon)


Ashley ICON

Falcon and Hawke fight over Lash being Lash.

And in icon form!

Brock attempts to show Erika that it's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake. Whether or not they have the cake and eat it too is up to you, santa.

"Brock I think you like this show a little bit too much."
Erika never really liked that mustache either.

Zelda, Maxwell, and Meta Knight throw Green his first tea party.

And thus, Green's first...and last Tea Party Ever.


Hawke and Ulki go to a rave

Love, Pixle

cass, toni, pixle, jaime, jeff, kate, secret santa, dee, jess, bret

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