Kiss Promps sleriajfk

Aug 19, 2010 21:05

HELLO SBGAY! My favorite Nintendo soap opera nerd herd. I have decided to, while I am working on journal snippets for that one kiss meme some of you heard of, share a few at a time once I get finished with them. I am by no means finished, but I do have three of them complete. Maybe now I can contribute a little more to creative, because HAHAHA what is angela getting things done once she started. *stares at document bin*

Warnings: tons and tons of diabeeetus (equivalent to too many boxes of fruity pebbles) and boys kissing boys.
Prompts in this post:
Mac x Pit
Bulba x Pit
Tubba x Pit


"You really think so?"

"A million yesses! She won't be able to contain herself." He batted a wink.

Mac couldn't keep a small chuckle from rising at Pit's gleeful insistence. "Well, I gotta hand it to ya- you were the one who helped me out. Thanks."

"Hey, no problems! I'm glad I could do it." His wings unfolded with a flip, one of Pit's uncontrollable ways of expressing joy. "So... is there anything else?"

"Anything else? Let's see, uh..." Mac's eyes scrolled out the window in thought. "Kinda nervous."

An exasperated breath puffed out as Pit remarked, "I've told you! So many times now, come on! Just be yourself and she'll like you!" He laughed afterwards and pushed Mac into a pivot that force them front-to-front. His hands gripped his hands in tight reassurance, and he tried to beam determination through sheer eye contact. "You can't mess this up; there's no way."

"But I..."

"Daisy is Daisy." He swallowed. "She... She likes you a lot, too. Believe me." It was almost as though the verve in Pit's voice had chugged into a slow end. Realizing this, he physically shook off the cloak of sudden remorse and smiled again, the vibrant coruscation stirring back to life in his irises.

Mac detected nothing. He straightened up a little and an edge of renewed conviction lifted his smile. "I'll believe ya. Thanks, Pit." He patted him on the shoulder and Pit's entire body tightened in pleasure, his face glowing.

"Looks like you're set! Make sure you remember my tips. I have a little bit of experience with dates, and I learned the best thing you can do is be courteous- but more importantly, be yourself! Unless you're not a courteous person. Then you have to put forward a little more effort if you want to leave a good impression, but luckily for you you're courteous!"

Mac laughed at Pit's ceaseless flow of reassurance. "Don't worry. I think I've got that down pat. I can't think of anything I need rememberin' or..." It was as though Mac forgot how to move his mouth, and Pit waved a hand in front of his face with a "What is it?"

"Oh, uh, nothin'! I was just... hehe. It was nothin'."

"You can tell me aaaanything you want," suggested Pit with a coy tilt of his head, arms folded behind his back. Mac's eyes slipped away from the prying angel to dart around the low-lit room, hand fiddling with his cuff somewhat nervously. There were things you could say to someone and things you should probably keep shut, and Mac was busy juggling two options over one another: whether to tell Pit or save going through a small speck of humiliation. He banked towards the former.

"Well, uh..." Oh boy, this wasn't going to be a smooth admittance, "See, y'know... I've already got a better feel for what to and not to do during our date, but... jeez... There's... well, let's put it this way. What should I do if she... tries to kiss me? I've never done anything like that before, I..." His hand was rubbing the back of his neck like a window wiper on hyperdrive. "I don't wanna disappoint her."

And then Pit was overcome by a wild idea. A helpful but risky, sensationally bold idea. Against all reservations he fenced his actions around to protect his heart from beating dangerously close to someone else's, this suggestion bubbled up and broke those defenses. He always loved Mac. He idolized the teen almost since day one. Not a single quality could be picked out from his close friend that Pit didn't adore, and there was nothing he could do to contain that quiet burst of joy that crackled within every time he walked into the room. But it was all on his end and his end only. It was a guilty source of elation for him. How could anything make him so senselessly happy all the time? A single person arrested all of his devotion, and here's the logic behind the guilt that made him repress admitting these lovelorn secrets: how much devotion, if centered around his friend, could remain for Palutena, who was meant for submitting his entire life's purpose to? That was his design. He should not be allowed to get away with pursuing such commitment with someone else, so he imprisoned his confessions deep inside, tragically bound there to lie unspoken for all time.

But a lapse in judgment catered by the moment's abruptness caused Pit to carry this thrill of an idea through. Trying to stay calm, his voice glided to a whisper. "Maybe we can practice?"

"Practice? You don't mean-"

His voice fell to an even lower volume. "We practiced everything else, didn't we?"

"Yeah, but this is... Well, Pit, practicing conversation is one thing, kissing is a whole different story. You can't just practice like-"

"But why not? I offered, so you won't offend me! Besides, this way, we could test it out. I'll tell you what I think. Then you'll be more prepared in case Daisy wants to kiss you."

Mac had to weigh Pit's suggestion against his principles a couple more times before consenting. "I dunno... Are you sure you're a hundred percent okay with this?" The taller boy shifted around on his feet uncomfortably. "It's kinda... How should I say this? It's real sweet of ya to offer, but I never had any of my buddies ask to kiss me before!"

At last, Pit's cheeks released a flowery hue, and he had to assure, "You can do it! No one is watching and I know it might be embarrassing if someone knew about this..." Realizing he was about to gabble away, he finished with, "I'll only take a second!"

Mac gave in to Pit's consistent battle of reason, developing a case of flushed cheeks that could parallel Pit's. "Well... all right. Here goes."

With a twinge of delight, Pit's body tilted up and he closed his eyes slowly, anticipating, waiting on tiptoes to recieve his kiss. This was it! His own first kiss, planted by his first love! Mac's heart did a flipflop at the sight of Pit so... willing? Eager? He leaned in so naturally that it made him bend in too, and before he could harness the situation and seize it for what it was, their lips met. Startled by the static of sensitive flesh touching so gently, the angel released an untamed moan at the first brush, one that clearly stated his surprise at this new sensation. Mac's head was swimming as he threw away any of his doubts and noticed how unbelievably warm and tender the angel's lips were. Signals fired all over the place. Kissing made them like magnets; their bodies inclined towards one another and Pit's arms folded around Mac's neck.

They hung like that a few more seconds, and automatically broke apart at the same time. The next thing they caught a glimpse of after that romantic submersion was the look in each other's eyes. Pit's body swerved around and he clutched his face; Mac could have sworn Pit was swooning or something.

The boxer touched his own face as though he could wipe the blush off and broke their wordlessness with, "S-so, it wasn't horrible? Uh, hey Pit, what are you doin'?"



Leaf pile number six: complete. Closing his eyes and breathing a sigh, Pit straightened his back and gave his body a break from bending and scraping so much. He made a mental tally as to how many more piles he should expect to collect and inwardly belted into a crumple. He should have thought twice before letting impulse debauch him into crashing through colorfully tempting mountains of foliage... This was no way to spend a Saturday!

But nooo. "What do you think you're doing, featherbrain!" Kamek had croaked. "You’ve gone and ruined my carefully arranged piles of leaves! I swear, why do I even bother doing something nice for this place? The moment I decide to play good guy around here, someone turns around to nip me in the bud. I’m too old for this! ...Don’t apologize! You can start apologizing by redoing what you’ve undone!" With that set of complaints squeezed out, a magically procured rake was tossed at the wordless angel. No protests came out, and the magikoopa had a point, so off he raked.

Little did Pit know, but Kamek barely committed any of the previous rake job with a single swipe of physical labor, so it could have just as easily been sorted back up in the snap of a finger. Nevertheless, here he was, shuffling across the lawn. Collecting leaves in piles seemed so pointless...

Back to work, Pit scrounged up more flaky clusters. His duty was interrupted by the crinkle of leaves disturbed by the force of a shota cannonball. Whisking around to face the source, Pit found the cutest green-haired red-eyed Bulbasaur gijinka blowing leaves off his nose. "Haha, Bulba!" Pit cried, grinning ear to ear at the sight of his boyfriend covered in leaves. "You found me!"

"Bul!" the younger student cried as he sat up. Pit was coming closer. "What are you doing, Pit?"

"Raking leaves..." He frowned at the mess Bulba made of his recently assembled stack. "Hey now... Quit messing up all the piles I just made!" Kerpout.

All the Pokemon boy could do was laugh in response. "But that's the whole point to jumping in leaves!" Two puffy coat arms shot out of the mass and high above his head, a few excess sheets trickling down like windblown leaves discarded from their dying tree.

"But I’m doing it for Kamek... I messed his up and he got mad. He's kind of old and out of shape, so I felt sorry for him."

"Pit, Pit! When there's leaves, someone’s going to jump in them! These piles are doomed anyway. Come on, jump with me! It's much more fun when you do it together!"

"Hmmm... I see what you mean! But I fear that if I don't clean up he'll tell Mr. Ulki or the headmaster... I can’t afford to get in trouble! I feel so bad when I do... and Palutena might be disappointed."

Bulba projected a good amount of laughter at the winged boy's piffle concerns. "You’re worried about something like that? They can't get you in much trouble for jumping in a few piles, ba. Students do it all the time."

Slightly embarrassed, Pit leaned on his rake and made an awkward smile. After inclining further, he dropped the rake entirely and dove into Bulba's scattered pile, tackling the green-haired boy along with his leap. They both stirred into laughter and rubbed noses, until Pit grabbed a handful of leaves and shoved them in his boyfriend's happy face.

"Mmf- pleh- hey!!" The angel dismounted him and sprinted through bouts of uncontrollable giggles, then took cover in another stack of autumn browns. Bulba, imbued by a brand new spark of vengeance, scrambled to his feet and jumped after him.

No leaf pile was safe from their plummets. Bulba had his necessary sortie and Pit was submerged by dead foliage and a tickle torture. They caused every heap to disperse, taking complete joy in demolishing and frolicking in Pit's labored stacks, rolling all over the ground and the clusters and each other, shamelessly giggling and shouting, saving one another from the biggest mounds and finding to their surprise it was easier than one thought to get lost in the damp tangles of a leaf pile.

Once all piles had been decimated, they collapsed on the cool lawn, gasping their final peals of childish revelry. "You have... so many leaves in your hair," Pit breathed, gazing affectionately at the boy on the grass beside him.

"You always have leaves in yours," Bulba refuted with the widest of smiles. Pit laughed all over again and tilted over on his side so he could reach out with both hands and ruffle that mossy green head of his. He made sure not to neglect that special spot he designated behind his right ear with a couple of fond rubs. Hearts brimming with a fizzy but goopy ebullience, they crept closer to meet one another in their arms.

After nuzzling and taking in Pit’s softness, Bulba wiggled free and rose to his feet. "I’ll be right back, ba! Stay put!"

"Huh? Oh, okay!" Pit called to his rapidly disappearing form, wondering where he was headed all of a sudden. Several minutes later, the Pokemon returned with his very own rake.

"This is for playing with me!"

It was time to rearrange the messy leaves into their old heaps again, but admittedly it was much more fun and got accomplished a lot faster when there were two of them humming an imaginary tune while they worked together. It got done in relatively no time, and Pit retired his rake once more and walked toward Bulba. With a playfully mischievous edge to his grin, he asked him to "hold out your palm for me."

Curious, Bulba did so. But Pit did not put anything into that open palm. Instead, he leaned in far and pressed a lingering kiss to his unsuspecting lips. Red irises and bright sclera popped wide, then the curtain of his eyelids closed and he accepted the kiss with a fluttering heartbeat.

"This is for helping me rake leaves," he whispered lovingly, nodding their foreheads together.



“A-a-a-aaaaaaa!” A trembling scream with the volume power great enough to resurrect dinosaurs from their fossil beds echoed throughout the shadowless corridors of the carnival's considerably well-crafted haunted house. Followed by that earshattering noise, a low cackle, and something creaked across the floor. What just touched him?

In a panic, Tubba backed away, dismembered an entire faux spider web, and collided with a long box. Somewhere to hide! Oh, good, finally! If he couldn’t find the exit (run), he’d crawl in a box instead (hide)! The monsters in here were scary, and he was about ready to scream his vocal chords into a dry crisp.

Tubba cowered into the long vertical space made available to him and was just about to take a deep therapeutic breath before something clasped his waist like a vicegrip and roared. Tubba’s squeals reached girly pitches as he fought and kicked against the fellow inhabitant of this... coffin This zombie, corpse, vampire, or whatever undead nightwalker released his hold and Tubba went stumbling backward with his mouth forced agape. Here he ran into a flight of stairs and rolled back like the clumsiest acrobat taking his fame-diminishing fall. Insert more screams here, because there was a lot of it.

The world spun out of control for a dizzy handful of seconds, then came t a crashing halt as the clubba boy landed flat on his back. He was just glad his “friends” weren’t there to laugh at him. They brought him into this mess for their own sick amusement.

Seeing stars, he willed his upper body off the floor and tried to come to terms with his senses, heart pumping out of control as if it wanted to squirm right up his chest wall and out his mouth- which in all actuality, it probably did. He swallowed and squinted through the dark- then yelped as he felt a hand land on his arm. Impulsively he shrugged it away and backpedaled into the nearest corner. “G-go away! Leave me alone! I’m scared already, okay?! You guys did your job, now go terrorize someone else!”

“Tubba? Is that you?”

“Pit?” What was he doing here?

“What are you doing here?”

“That’s wh-what I wanna ask you!” A strangled cry shook a distant hall, and Tubba could not restrain a tiny squeak.

“What’s wrong, Tubba? Did that scare you?” he whispered. There was no mocking or lofty tone present, but that’s how Tubba interpreted it anyway.

“What d-do you think?” he snapped. “I just screamed my guts out about how scared I was a few seconds ago!”

“Yeah, I know.” His footsteps patted closer and the faintest shape of his winged silhouette could be seen. “I heard you fall. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine...” He smudged at his face with his sleeve to stop the remaining tears from beading. “I just want to get out of here as fast as I can...”

A low titter floated off of Pit’s breath. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.” He extended a hand for Tubba to take. “Here, stand up. Let’s get you back on your feet. Then we’ll escape together!”

In all truth, Pit’s presence managed to lift his spirits somehow and make him feel better about being hopelessly stuck inside a haunted house. Whatever sparkly angel magic he was using seemed to do the trick, and Tubba tentatively took the offered hand. His insides flip-flopped at the miniscule amount of contact, and Pit dragged him up, taking both hands and squeezing them. Needless to say, Tubba’s mind wasn’t so focused on his fears anymore.

“Let’s go!” And with that, they set off, Tubba hanging close to Pit- a comical sight had the lights been on to witness a six foot tall teenager cowering intensely behind a comparatively small cherubic angel. True to his pledge, his winged protector took extra measures to ensure no zombified haunted house bullies picked on his poor friend, even going so far as to land a swift kick to a sheet ghost’s side on their way out. Eventually, they made it out safe and sound.

Near a swarm of tables and benches next to an ice cream station was where Pit guided Tubba. A little confused about this arrangement, Tubba rose a question. “Uhhh... Where are we going now?”

“I’m finding a place to sit!” Pit chirped as he skipped over to plop his butt down on a green wooden dining bench, patting the spot next to him for Tubba to take. He stood there dumbly for a moment before emptying a lungful of a sigh, and submitted. He wasn’t really expecting Pit to stay longer than a quick goodbye at the doors of that haunted house, but then again, maybe this was exactly what he should have expected.

“What for?” he asked as he sat down.

“So we can take a break! ...Aaaand talk about what we should do next,” Pit explained casually, as if they had been moseying around the fair all afternoon. He looked Tubba over eagerly, awaiting his say.

Hands crumpled into fists as the taller boy bore his eyes into an insignificant stitch of his pants just to avoid eye contact. “What do you mean, “what should we do next”?” he shyly murmured. “Don’t you have friends waiting for you somewhere?” Knowing Pit, he had more friends than he could cram in a zoo, so he has to be curious when Pit asked a question like that. He couldn’t possibly value his company over anyone else’s… at least THEY were remotely exciting to spend time with.

Pit’s head bobbed to the left as his eyes floated skyward, legs crossing together as he looked thoughtful. “I did, but... we got separated in the haunted house. They’ll be okay without me, though!” Oh. So he was actually serious. “I’ve decided!” His hands clasped together excitedly as he craned in closer. “I want to be with you tonight! It’s been a while, Tubby~.” He poked him in the cheek and giggled.

A double whammy for Tubba. Any normal person would be able to function after someone poked them in the face and told them they wanted to spend time with them, but this was Tubba, and he wasn’t normal, and that boy was Pit. PIT. He could scarcely believe the angel hadn’t grown tired of his overall sour attitude and dull lifestyle yet and just given up entirely, like he should have by now. Why did he have to be so open, warm and inviting? His face tinting a little towards the pink scale, his averted eyes scooted further away from the sight of Pit’s glittering gaze searching him over by scrolling in the opposite direction.

“Well… I-I was going to go home, but… I, I guess you can stay… since you’re really that determined to waste your night on me.”

As if this was a great triumph for all ages to read upon and behold with reverence, Pit’s arms catapulted into the air as he exulted with “Yay!” It almost reminded Tubba of when he had asked him out their first date, but he needed to brush that thought off. The eager fairgoer next to him leaned in even further and proceeded to pelt him with questions he didn’t know how to answer without sounding pathetically uninteresting. It’s not like he wanted to do anything in the first place! Maybe then Pit would finally realize his dumb mistake.

“So! Wanna go eat something? It smells good out here...”

“No thanks; not hungry.”

“Oh. Do you like games? We could play some.” He bounced up and down to the pulse of some distant techno beat.

“No. They’re all rigged anyway just to make you feel bad.”

Pit couldn’t help but laugh at that remark. “If that’s the way you feel, then want to go on the rides?”

“No!” He almost shuddered just thinking about it...

Pit frowned sideways, mind obstructed by a lack of further prompts. This was a little bit frustrating. In fact, it almost started to look as though Tubba didn’t want to have fun, no matter what type of proposals he tossed. “Come on. Isn’t there anything you might want to do here?” He gave his head another small tilt and hoped Tubba would cast his eyes into his.

The clubba was about to bite his lip for sake of dealing with some of the social anxieties that pricked him but knew Pit would see it, so he resorted to clenching his hands in his lap instead. “I don’t have any ideas,” he incoherently mumbled.

“Then I’ll have to decide. Rides! I haven’t done that yet.” The angel slipped off the bench and motioned for Tubba to tag along. He felt like he really didn’t have a choice, so he complied.

As they neared the circuit of looping and swinging rides, Tubba’s insides began to mimic their moves by twisting uncomfortably. Pit took notice of his quivering unease. “Hey Tubba. Tubba?” At once he stopped walking, but Tubba moved ahead. “Tuuuubbaaaaa... Hey, hold on!” He dashed ahead a few steps and caught him by the hood.


“Heehee... I stopped walking, you know. I’m trying to tell you something.”

“Wh-what?” The daylights were still spooked right out of him.

“You’re scared still, aren’t you?” A knowing smile crept across his lips and he stretched his body taller, as though he could reach Tubba better by attempting to grow.

A healthy serving of tension was lumped in with the fear pile that had already accumulated. His mouth hinged open while thoughts poured from his mind. Breathing deeply, he talked. “I don’t like rides. They’re too scary and move too fast.”

Pit laughed, much to his embarrassment, and blatantly stated, “What AREN’T you scared of!” Tubba shrunk inside himself and mumbled, “I’m sc-scared of a lot of things...”

Hmm. That seemed to be a problem. Pit tapped his chin in consideration. He didn’t want Tubba to be so scared of everything, and having a fear of rides didn’t help either of them. He remembered how scared he himself had been on his first roller coaster with Sonic. The fear quickly spiraled into thrill, and thrill felt good, like being tickled by someone you like. Maybe he could change that fear into something that Tubba liked.

“Well then! We’ll just have to give you one less thing to be afraid of!” Pit declared with the sunniest and most determined of smiles. The look on his face was so convincing that it lulled Tubba’s mind into that unfaltering belief that maybe he really didn’t have to be scared anymore, and he stared into those bright bulbs of angel eyes like a guest on a hypnotist’s show.

“If you really... think so,” he quietly replied.

The mesmerizing haze of rising voices and blend of psychedelic lights seemed that much more intense, hanging close as they hung close. Tubba didn’t even notice how his face scalded over because of the allure in Pit’s gentle yet firm expression. He was just about to slip into the moment inadvertently before Pit swung him out of his trance with a tug of his arm.

He scoped the thoroughfare and peered over heads for an appealing first choice. “Something not so scary...” He paused his steps to form an x with his fingers over a heart-lurching ride that sent its victims perilously upside-down. Oh, thank the stars. “And nothing too fast.” He faced a pirouetting example that zipped around at the speed of a flying racecar to stuck a thumb down at it disapprovingly. They wandered around like this for a while, Tubba letting Pit exercise charge in the final decision, until Pit finally stopped at the ferris wheel with absolution in his stance.

“This. It’s perfect! Not too fast, not too scary, and not too “babyish”. Trust me; I’ve been on one like this before.”

“But... It’s too high!” Tubba complained, eyes lingering at the top of the towering disk.

“It’s already settled, Tubba!” he told him as he formed in line. “If we don’t pick one soon, we’ll be running around the park, all night! Do you really want that?”

“That doesn’t sound like such a bad idea, actually...”

“Tub-ba!” he scolded with a jab to the other boy’s rib. “We’re going to do this. I know you want to get over your fear of rides! I’m here to help you!” What a difficult person Tubba was...

As the line dissolved into the ride, they eventually got seated. Waiting in line had been so hard for Tubba, who fidgeted and tried to balk out a couple of times. Now that he was contained and their tickets already forfeited, there was no turning tail. He gripped onto the pole like it was his only lifeline as the ride cranked to move along for the next group of passengers.

“Tubba... Pit crooned on an airy laugh, “you have nothing to be afraid of!”

“Easy for you to say...”

The brunette covered a pair of trembling knuckles with his hands. “You’ll be all right! Promise.”

Tubba gulped, craning over to conceal his blush only to yelp fearfully at the expanding view below. “I-I don’t know, Pit! We’re getting really high!”

“You don’t need to be unsure. What’s so scary about heights?”


“If you fall, I’ll come flying to your rescue, of course.”

“Good luck lifting me up...”

Pit sighed softly to himself, growing more and more exhausted by Tubba’s overwhelming pessimism and cowardice. But he could stand above that. Trying another smile, he presented a suggestion. “Take a deep breath and focus on the fun part.”

“What fun part?”

“Riding the ride!” As if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Tubba only groaned and paled. “I’m not gonna make it...”

The ferris wheel jerked and jolted, started and stopped as the supervisor fed more people to the monstrous ride. Higher and higher they climbed, and the more space that divided Tubba from the ground, the more panic buzzed through his heart. Sooner than he could have ever wanted, they were scaling the peak.

Teeth clenched and fists white, Tubba stuttered, “I-I need to get down... It’s too high for me!”

Pit scooted closer on the arching seat in hopes of consoling him further. “Try distracting yourself.”

With another heave, their pod crept to the apex of the ride, then lurched to a standstill. A broad smile erupted on Pit’s face as his eyes wheeled all over the scenery; he twisted in his seat to snatch a dazzling view from below, shifted to steal a peek at the wide open sky. Dusky clouds mottled the expanse, yawning between one another to allow craters full of gemlike stars. Immediately Pit wanted Tubba to see this, too.

“Look, the stars!”

“Th-that’ll only... make it worse!” He sniveled. “Besiiiiides, I’m m-more concerned about what’s down there!”

“Then how about you focus on what’s right here?” Scooting as close as he could slide, the angel leveled Tubba into a secure embrace, let him look him in the eyes to convey that the shuddering clubba was definitely safe with him, and tipped his head up until their lips brushed. Knowing this would do the trick, Pit wrapped him in a kiss that clicked gently when they parted and murmured, “Don’t be scared anymore. I’ve got you...”

No words came from Tubba’s mouth, not even through his mind. He couldn’t think about anything but the faint, loving glaze in his friend’s eyes painted by all kinds of lights, and all at once, he collapsed into the hug so he could smile stupidly without his face breaking haphazardly in front of Pit. He couldn’t hide the stupid laughter, however. Pit kissed him; they kissed; he was kissed, and for the first time! That jittering uneasiness had been successfully replaced by an inescapable flutter of extreme elation he could never explain, and Pit holding him tighter only increased the rank of his newfound happiness.

After that sweet moment in the clouds, Tubba found himself actually enjoying the rest of the ride in a way he thought impossible before. Pit kept his embrace as he pointed out all the people and the locations and the pretty sights around them, and he even let him hold onto him tighter when they sloped too low or climbed too high. He couldn’t stop thinking about those minutes spent there even after he was safe in bed, and he noticed how, if he thought about it hard enough, he could feel the soft sweep of Pit’s lips against his. Angel magic. He was sure that was the only explanation for all of this.


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