CARD GAMES: The wall of text edition.

Jun 23, 2010 00:26

My dearest, sweetest SBG.

As some of you that grace the loving arms of Le Chat might know, Jeff and I were in the process of making something beautiful and magical. For those of you that don't know, don't worry, I shall tell you. You may or may not have heard of an excellent little card game known as FLUXX. It is a game of ever changing rules and absolutely anything can happen. It comes in a variety of flavors, such as Zombie FLUXX and Monty Python's FLUXX.

Let me explain the basics of the game to you.

Fluxx starts with the following rules:
Start with a hand of 3 cards.  On your turn, draw one card and play one card.
When the game begins, nobody can win the game.

There are 5 card types:

Keeper cards have a green border.  You play these cards in front of you, and they act as a sort of inventory. They can be anything, from bread to a rocket to a chocolate bar to a sun, etc.

New Rule cards change the rules of the game when they are played.  Some cards increase the number of cards you have to draw and/or play on your turn, they can set hand limits, Keeper limits, etc.  There are even more exotic and strange rules that relate to specific cards.

Goal cards change the conditions for winning the game.  Goals have special names, and specify what you have to have to win.  For instance, there's a goal called Hippyism, and it says that to win you need to have the two Keepers "Love" and "Peace" on the table. Every time a Goal is played, the previous Goal is discarded.

Action cards have effects that happen immediately.  They vary in effects from trashing a New Rule card, to swapping hands with other players, etc.

The last card type is Creepers.  They have a black border and don't count towards your hand limit or Keeper limits.  The instant you draw a Creeper you have to play it and immediately draw a new card.

As long as you have any Creepers in front of you, you cannot win the game.  You either need to follow the text of the card to get rid of it, or have an Action that destroys it, or have the Silver Lining rule (which changes the rules so that Creepers do not prevent you from winning).

The objective of Fluxx is to have whatever the current Goal requires in front of you.

NOTE!!: There is also an Ungoal. They are the Anti Goal. If the conditions listed on an Ungoal are met, then everyone loses.

Being fans of this lovely game, and holding great love in our hearts for SBG, we set out to create the best of them all: The SBG FLUXX.

MY DEAREST READERS, WE HAVE CREATED THE LIST OF CARDS. We have enough for an 120 card deck. That is pretty spectacular. WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IT? I certainly hope so since HERE IT COMES.

Total Cards: 120

Keepers: (These need pictures!)
1. Kyle's Wall [Bret! / Done]

2. Princess Panties [Done!]

3. Student - Princesses [Bret! / Done]
⁃ Daisy, Peach, Lip, Zelda

4. Student - Pogles [Emily! / Done]
⁃ Squirtle, Zapdos, Voile, Ponyta, Solrock

5. Student - Lolis [Alice!]
⁃ Vianca, Ionia, Pichu, Spinarak, Mint

6. Student - Shotas [Emily!]
⁃ Mikapii, Pit, Kirby, Ivan, Shaymin

7. Student - Swords…! []
⁃ Marth, Link, Toon Link, Dark Link, Meta Knight

8. Student - Green Team []
⁃ Char, Bulba, Nyx, Green

9. Student - We Need Babysitters [Kiz! / Done]
⁃ Wendy, Iggy, Lemmy, Genny

10. Faculty - Handymen [Shocky!]
⁃ Lighter, Flint, Raiden

11. Faculty - Gym Leaders [Whit!]
⁃ Misty, Morty, Sabrina, Brock, Surge

12. Faculty - Boobs [Toni! / Done]
⁃ Blacky, Samus, Flurrie, Nabooru

13. Faculty - Domination
⁃ Bowser, Hawke, Eggman, Ganondorf, Cyrus

14. Faculty - Grooooovy [Bret / Done]
⁃ Miller, Raikov, Ocelot, Kyle, Matt

15. Faculty - Swords…?
⁃ Shinon, Canas, Rhys, Ulki

16. Student - Bump in the Night [Alice! / Done]
⁃ King Boo, Nyx, Skull Kid, Doopliss

17. Student - Star Fox [Dawg!]
⁃ Fox, Falco, Slippy

18. Student - In the Army [Jaime!]
⁃ Lash, Max, Jake, Andy, Rachel

19. Student - Chosen [Dawg!]
⁃ Lucas, Claus, Jeff, Ness, Paula, Kumatora

20. Student - RoboBoogie [Kaos! / Done]
⁃ ROB, Metal Sonic

21. Student - The Very Best [Kiz! / Done]
⁃ Red, Lucas (pogle), Brendan, Silver

22. Student - Tiny Forest Animals [Jim! / Done]
⁃ Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Shadow, Bean

23. Faculty - Nancy [Pixle!]

24. A Box of Oranges [Jaime!]

25. Foo Foo [Bret! / Done]

26. Booze [Whit!]

27. Golf Cart

29. Speedo [Jaime!]

30. Baked Goods [Jaime!]

31. Death Rays [Pixle!]

Creepers: (These need pictures!)
1. Midna [Bret! / Done]
⁃ If another player has Princess Panties, Princesses, or Swords…! on the table, you can give Midna to them

2. lowercase [Jaime!]

3. Maxwell [Kiz! / Done]
⁃ If another player swears while Maxwell is in play, you may move Maxwell to that player.

4. Chet
⁃ Can be removed if you trash any Student or Faculty Keeper

5. Pink Chaos Emerald [Jim?]

6. Mr. Resetti [Katie! / Done]

Actions: (These don't get pictures.) [These are all done!]
1. Penance
⁃ If another player has the lowercase Creeper in play, they must give you all of the cards in their hand.

⁃ Trash all Student Keepers in play

3. Stressrolled
⁃ Trash all Keepers and Creepers in play

4. Retcon
⁃ Remove all New Rule cards in play

5. Canon Reboot
⁃ Discard your entire hand and draw as many cards as you discarded.

6. Icon Combo
⁃ Draw 2 cards. Immediately play them.

7. C-c-c-combo breaker
⁃ Draw 3 cards. Play 2 of them.

8. Gift from the Condom Fairy
⁃ Draw enough cards so that everyone including yourself can get 1, and then distribute them as you wish.

9. Let's Trade Pokemon
⁃ Swap one of your Keepers with that of another player.

10. Oldmeme
⁃ Search the Discard pile. Take any Action or New Rule card you wish and play it.

11. Shotalolicon
⁃ Count the number of New Rule cards in play. Trash your choice of half (rounded up).

12. Believe In Me Who Believes In You
⁃ Remove all hand and Keeper limits.

13. Job Swap
⁃ All players pass your hand to the player next to you. You decide which direction.

⁃ Draw a card. If it is a New Rule card, put it into play immediately. If not, discard it. Continue until you have played 3 New Rule cards.

15. Take Another Turn

16. Lunch Money
⁃ All players must give you 1 card

17. Heartswap
⁃ Trade hands with a player of your choice

18. Delinquent
⁃ Trash any New Rule card

19. Bandwagon
⁃ Take a card at random from another player's hand and play it.

20. Edit Button
⁃ Trash any Keeper or Creeper from in front of any player.

21. Trolling
⁃ Take one card from any player.

22. Activity Check
⁃ Everyone may discard any cards they wish from their hand or the table in front of them.

New Rules: (These don't need pictures.) [These are all done!]
1. Draw 2
⁃ Draw 2 cards per turn

2. Draw 3
⁃ Draw 3 cards per turn

3. Draw 4
⁃ Draw 4 cards per turn

4. Draw 5
⁃ Draw 5 cards per turn

5. Play 2
⁃ Play 2 cards per turn

6. Play 3
⁃ Play 3 cards per turn

7. Play 4
⁃ Play 4 cards per turn

8. Play All
⁃ Play all cards per turn

9. Hand Limit 1
⁃ Can only have 1 card in your hand when it is not your turn

10. Hand Limit 2
⁃ Can only have 2 cards in your hand when it is not your turn

11. Hand Limit 3
⁃ Can only have 3 cards in your hand when it is not your turn

12. Keeper Limit 3
⁃ Can only have 3 Keepers on the table when it is not your turn

13. Double Agenda
⁃ Can have two Goals in play

14. No-Hand Bonus
⁃ If you have no cards when you start your turn, draw 3 before observing the current draw rule.

15. Inflation
⁃ Whenever a number appears in a rule or action card, add 1

16. Power of Oranges
⁃ If you have Oranges, draw and play 1 extra card per turn.

⁃ Add 1 to the current Draw and Play rules, unless lowercase is in play.

18. Get On With It!
⁃ Before your final Play, you can discard your hand and draw a new hand of 3 cards. Then your turn ends.

19. Silver Lining
⁃ Creepers do not prevent you from winning.

20. Kink Meme
⁃ All players must play with their Keeper and Creeper cards face down. You may look at your own cards.

Goals: (These use the Keeper pictures!)
⁃ Oranges (alone)

2. ALWAYS [Done]
⁃ Foo Foo + Any Faculty

⁃ Three Female Students

4. Speedo Squad
⁃ Speedo + Domination or Tiny Forest Animals

5. Honk Honk [Done]
⁃ Midna + Princesses

6. Princess Panty Tea Party [Done]
⁃ Princess Panties + Princesses

7. Bear is driving how can this be
⁃ Nancy + Golf Cart

8. Too Many Damn Poglemans
⁃ Gym Leaders + Pogles

9. The Goddamn Babysitter [Done]
⁃ Bump in the Night + We Need Babysitters

10. Peace At Last
⁃ Resetti (alone)

11. Pokemon Master [Done]
⁃ The Very Best + Pogles

12. Tuesday
⁃ Grooooovy + Kyle's Wall

13. Driver's Ed
⁃ Kyle's Wall + Golf Cart

14. Pancakes!
⁃ Princesses + Swords…! + Creeper!Maxwell

15. Dialga Did It :|
⁃ Groooovy + Swords…?

16. Hovering Donut Machine
⁃ Baked Goods + Death Ray

17. Eggman Empire
⁃ Domination + RoboBoogie

18. Reign of Power
⁃ Domination (No Swords…! or Princesses)

19. Faculty Drinking Night
⁃ Two Faculty cards + Booze

⁃ Domination + We Need Babysitters

21. Wedding Bells
⁃ Boobs + Domination

22. Dysfunctional Family
⁃ Handymen + Chosen

23. Underage Drinking Night
⁃ Two Student cards + Booze

24. Suddenly, Werehog
⁃ Pink Chaos Emerald + Tiny Forest Animals

25. 10 Cards In Hand [Done]
⁃ 10 cards in your hand at any time

26. 6 Keepers [Done]
⁃ 6 Keepers in front of you at any time

27. You Can't Hide
⁃ In the Army + Maxwell

28. Kidney Punches
⁃ Green Team + The Very Best

29. Simple Melody
⁃ Chet + Chosen

30. Identity Crisis
⁃ The Very Best + Tiny Forest Animals

31. Road to Viridian City
⁃ The Very Best + Gym Leaders

⁃ Domination + Tiny Forest Animals

33. Triforce
⁃ Domination + Princesses + Swords…!

34. Binary Solo
⁃ RoboBoogie (No human cards)

⁃ Nancy + Oranges

36. That's Gaaaaaaaaaay
⁃ Pink Chaos Emerald + 2 all male cards

37. Overtime
⁃ Handymen + Kyle's Wall

38. Corrupt the Innocent
⁃ Bump in the Night + Lolis + Shotas

39. Nose Bleeds
⁃ Princess Panties + Swords…!

⁃ Star Fox + Tiny Forest Animals

1. MissingNo.
⁃ Bump in the Night + Domination + Midna

We tried our best to include as many dudes as possible! But do not fret, my sweet SBG, for this is only the base deck. Many more cards can be added at a later time. In fact, I'll even give you the blank template .psd to make your own cards once I'm done with these ones.

Yes. These are really going to be cards.

And that's where YOU come in. SBG I NEED YOUR HELP DRAWING PRETTY PICTURES. I would personally love a deck that had art from more than just smelly old me okay. The keepers and creepers all need lovely illustrations! [Action Cards don't have any pictures, New Rule cards just have icons that I will be stealing, and Goal cards just have smaller versions of the keeper illustrations.]

If you'd like to participate, I'd love you forever!

What you need to do!:
  • Comment here and tell me which card(s) you'd be interested in drawing! I will mark them as claimed. (Please only take as many as you can handle!)
  • You can use whatever media you desire! I might tweak it to make sure it will print nicely.
  • Images should fit in a 460x540 space!
  • I would prefer these in color!
  • If you don't like coloring and stuff, that's ok! If you want, I could color it for you but really who wants that <8|
  • ??????
  • PROFIT!!!

Sob I don't know where I am going with this entry anymore so pffff 8C

fluxx, community art project, jeff, bret

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