About time I art dumped.

Jan 12, 2010 14:28

My first art dump of the new year awwwwww yeah.

First, let me get the usual out of the way:

These became icons. 8V

Fags. |[

Mikapii, Misty, and Zelda. I... sucked at drawing Zelda. A lot.

Misty, Surge, and Erika. I... planned on adding more gym leaders but I couldn't draw them without ref. %|

Mario!Selene and Sheepman!Misty with another little thing or two. lol Sheepwoman. :|

A... fanservice meme I was linked to and did a couple of days ago. Sorta not work-safe haha. B|;

... This has Goose and Nester in it, it is totes slightly SBG-related shhhh.

This was all more practice than anything. |D;

A bunch of... late night angst doodles. I... no, I clearly should never draw late at night. This is horrible.

To make up for the lack of Falkner and Green in the last doodles, well, here you go. BU; This was done before Haji picked up Morty, though. I need to draw Morty sometime hrrgh

I... my sister is to blame for this. Shush.

Tablet experimenting. |D;

And again.

... And again.

Before I got my tablet, I did this. And it sucked. I love drawing them though awbuuu

Also pre-tablet. A Bonechill.

PHEW that was a lot.


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