“Finally…” Liz said when she opened the door.
Alex raised an eyebrow. “Amazing how much you change your perspective on my work ethic when you’re no longer my boss.” She stepped into the conference room and Liz shut the door behind her.
“Whatever.” Liz smirked. “The pizza beat you here. See if you can wrangle a piece before those two eat it all.” She sank down beside Casey.
“Hey!” Casey pouted before smirking. “Not my fault she’s late and I didn’t have time to eat dinner.”
“It got here about thirty seconds ago.” Sonya said. “Contrary to popular belief, I am not actually Superwoman. This is my first slice.”
Alex snorted, taking the seat between Liz and Sonya and kicking off her shoes under the table. “Whose popular belief?”
Casey smirked. “I call Wonder Woman.”
Liz rolled her eyes. “Oh dear God.”
Alex grabbed a plate and a slice of pizza. “As much as I’m all for the ‘Justice League’ title here, I’ll stick to being an ADA, thanks.”
Sonya looked at Casey. “They take the fun out of everything.”
Casey looked over at her. “Always.”
Alex smirked. “I have the cards. I can go…”
“Stay in that seat, Cabot. I plan to kick your ass this time.” Liz said.
“Ooh-hoo.” Alex chuckled. “Good luck with that…” She smirked. “Or not.”
“Ha ha.” Liz replied dryly.
Alex smirked and dug the cards out of her purse. She took the cards out of the pack and began shuffling quickly.
“I hate it when she does that.” Casey mumbled.
“Show off.” Liz added.
“Can it.” Alex smirked, dealing them out.
Casey laid down a Jack. “One Jack.”
Sonya put down a king. “One Queen.”
Alex debated it for a moment and put down two cards. “Two Kings.”
“O-ho…” Liz waited, leaning back and looking at her. “What do you think, ladies?”
Casey held her hands up. “I don’t want that pile.”
“She’s bluffing.” Sonya said, leaning on the table.
“Oh really?” Alex raised an eyebrow, leaning towards her in challenge. Her eyes flicked to the cards in Sonya’s hand. “You have four cards left. Lowest at the table. Willing to risk that?”
“I’m not risking it. I’m telling Liz to.”
Liz snorted, looking at her. “Thanks, Sonya. How thoughtful of you.”
Sonya smirked. “Please… Like you don’t know me well enough by now.”
“Good point.” Liz chuckled. She turned to Casey. “Case?”
The redhead looked at Alex for a moment, her eyes narrowed in thought. “She did debate just a second too long.”
“Someone’s gotta call it.” Liz said.
“Hey, I already said I didn’t want that pile.” Casey laughed. “I’m not doing it.”
“Oh for the love of God.” Sonya rolled her eyes.”Alright. Bullshit!”
“You sure about that?” Alex smirked.
“Fuck.” Sonya threw her head back.
Liz and Casey burst out laughing.
Alex flipped over the top cards, showing off two kings. “Have fun getting rid of this pile, Sonya.”
Sonya glared at her as she grabbed the pile and worked on sorting the cards.
“One Ace.” Liz said.
“Bullshit.” Sonya said.
Alex snickered as Liz picked her card back up. “With a pile that big, we’re never gonna be able to put anything past her.”
“Bite me.” Sonya mumbled.
Casey set down a two, thankful she actually had one. “One two.”
“Four threes.” Sonya placed them down.
“Bullshit.” Liz said.
“With this pile?” Sonya snorted. “Please.” She flipped them over.
“You could have snuck something in there.” Liz said, grabbing the cards.
Alex placed her card down. “One four.”
“One five.” Liz placed a card down.
Alex laughed. “Bullshit. You grabbed that from the threes you just got.”
Liz flipped over the card. “Work on your observation skills.”
“Damn.” Alex snatched the card.
“One six.” Casey laid her card down.
“Two sevens.” Sonya said.
“Bullshit.” Casey said, having the other two in her hand and deciding to go for it.
Sonya laughed. “Don’t you people learn?” She flipped over the two sevens.
“Damnit.” Casey muttered, taking them.
“One eight.” Alex placed her card down.
“One nine.”
“Bullshit, Donnelly, I have them all.” Sonya laughed.
“Damn.” Liz mumbled. “Alex you are a dirty, rotten liar!” She said, seeing the blonde’s card.
“Shoulda called me on it.” Alex smirked.
The big pile kept changing owners until finally, Casey was lucky enough to have the card she needed at the exact right moment. She laid down her six with a grin.
“Wonder Woman and the Lasso of Truth have done it again!”
“Oh God.” Alex laughed. “Here we go again.” She said as she started collecting her cards.
Sonya chuckled. “Fifty bucks, Novak, if you actually show up to the Halloween party dressed like her.”
Casey snorted. “Not a chance.”
“Oh I’d throw in fifty for that too.” Alex said.
“Not happening.” Casey shook her head. “That outfit is no bueno.”
The women chuckled as they rose from their seats and cleaned up the table.
“Please tell me we’ll be over this ‘Justice League’ infatuation by next week.” Liz said.
Sonya smirked. “The fact that it’s bugging you so much just makes it more fun.”
“It’s not bugging me.” Liz said as they all grabbed their things. “But I’m starting to wonder at the average mental capacity of the three of you.”
“Hey! I didn’t start this.” Alex said, holding up her hands and following her out the door. “It was all them.”
Casey and Sonya just laughed, trailing after them.