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Nov 01, 2010 13:31

Wow...I am like way way behind on everything to do with LJ. I have stories to post and entries to read and...I fail.

ANYWAYS... Went camping with Cyn, Dan, Mary and Julia for Halloween. Hellz yes. It was fabulous. We basically did what we do indoors...sit in a circle and talk and drink. Cept outside we had a fire. And froze our asses off. Being outside is great but I swear, every noise you hear is someone who wants to kill you, ESPECIALLY when you're trying to sleep. But we had s'mores. idek what sets it apart from anything else except the fact that we were outside...but it was fun. Everything was a sex reference or a movie quote but it always is with us anyway XD OMG there were cows mooing like waaaay into the night. We were lying there trying to sleep and Mary and I were in one tent, Julia was in another and Cyn and Dan and the dogs were in theirs and it was quiet and suddenly Cyn goes "You know what else cows sound like? Cows sound like zombies." I died laughing. Mary was like "That's a good thing to say when we're trying to sleep." Funny funny stuff. And at some point earlier in the night, we were talking about wearing condoms for blow jobs (yes, this is the shit we talk about...we're special) and I said that had to taste nasty and Cyn was like "It tastes better than herpes." LOL she had some good quotes. I wish I remembered all our convos...especially Julia and Dan's back and forth usage of words that sound like "tent" to drive me insane XD Our motto the entire time was "Camping is intense." We said it WAY too many times. We woke up at 8:30. I cannot believe how long it's been since I've woken up at that hour. Wonder when I'll crash tonight...

Edit: Somehow I forgot Ranger Bob. He's the serial killer we met. *nods* XD


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