Crazy cracked out dream times!
So there was this restaurant where my friends and I all ate on a regular basis. Like...I think we went in there a few times and mostly the dream was just the times we went there. It was a pizza place. But then we somehow found out that if you were a special person, you could order and get cat. Yes, cat. Well one day, a woman ordered it and I was in the restaurant and I helped the cat escape and we ran down the road and got away. But somehow the cat was recaptured and I had to hide so I wouldn't get in trouble for it. To keep cats from escaping in the future, they made them all blind. The cat I had helped save had stayed alive and they got a few more cats. So one day, the owner of the restaurant went to the cage where they kept the cats and they were all gone and I was thoroughly questioned because of my suspected involvement the previous time and because of how outspoken I was about the whole ordeal. But it wasn't me. Apparently I was also really good friends with Sasha Alexander, but don't get your hopes up...she was on the WRONG side of this debacle. She didn't see the harm in eating cats. Somehow, I knew that the cats had escaped on their own and the cat that I had made friends with had led them to safety. So my brother and I decided to see if we could find out where the cats ended up to see if we could help protect them. They had ended up being taken in by this peaceful population of tiny magical beings (who looked child-like) who had somehow transformed the cats into children (the non-magical kind). I don't even know. So we realized they were about to be invaded to get them back and we had to run around and tell all the children that we were going to play a game of hide and seek so they had to be very quiet and hide until we found them. We left and went back to our world because apparently it was two separate worlds. We searched around to see how long it was before anyone would make their way to the other world and we realized it would be all too soon. We raced back to warn them and let me tell you, it was harder to get there the second time. We went through a doorway, then we had to go through a series of riddles and tasks to get back in. There were two other doors in the same building and I really wish I knew what worlds those had led to lol. Anyways, I met up with my boyfriend at some point during the tasks (WTF brain? XD). He was trying to convince me that it was too late, there was nothing we could do for that world. But they were facing certain extinction and I couldn't let that happen. He and I had been having relationship troubles and he was convinced that I didn't love him but I convinced him that I did and desperately begged him to come back and help me. Just as we were about to sneak away for make up sex in the bathroom (again..WTF brain?), we realized something horrible was happening. Apparently the population was peaceful, but there is one key reason for that. If they encountered any kind of stress, they started growing boils and their skin turned green and their eyes turned red and they became evil monsters. And the monsters stressed more people out so then more people would become monsters until their peaceful nation was nonexistent. So the impending invasion started stressing them and it became an epidemic. So those of us on the side of peace had to fight harder. I think the battle must have been going on, but I wasn't a part of it. Their poor species was facing extinction from two directions, within and without. There were human doctors going into their hospital to contain the ones that had turned into monsters to keep them from spreading. My friends and I ran around and found the rogue ones and started on stress relaxing techniques. Like one looked like a little girl, so we brushed her hair and treated her like a princess and eventually she was cute again. At some point, we found out the epidemic had been successfully fought off and the invasion had been defeated and there was a massive celebration. One of the doctors celebrating outside was Dorothy Zbornak. That was awesome. The dream ended during the celebrations.