(no subject)

Apr 03, 2010 14:27

So last night, I was getting stressed over all I have to do this week...and well...for the rest of the month. This week alone is

Monday: Quiz (which requires reading like 100 pages)
Tuesday: Speech
Wednesday: Paper
Thursday: Paper

That last paper? Yeah that's an art paper. You know what happened last time I tried to do it the night before. Because of my schedule this week, I might be FORCED to do most of it the night before. I'll try to work on it some but...ugh.

Anyways, I'd been hanging out with Katie yesterday. We'd gone shopping and come back and watched Simply Irresistible. (It's like Buffy got a job as a chef!). I left when she and Jacob went to the baseball game at 7. Baseball isn't really my thing and I was going to try and make a dent in this work. I finally ended up freaking out and texted at like 10:30 to see if they wanted to go get pizza. We stayed at the pizza place for three hours, then left that pizza place to go back to Jacob's dorm to order chocolate pastries from Papa John's. We tried to get it delivered to a bus stop but they said they don't like to deliver to big open spaces that late at night XD

My facebook status last night:
Things I will never look at the same way again: Styrofoam, Michael Jackson, chocolate pastries, traffic cones, George Washington, zombies, slasher films, squirrels, gumballs, sweet tea, pizza guys, Buffy, socks, phones, birds, bear traps, dentures, balloons, The Razzies, The Oscars, Chewbacca, ice cubes, tomatoes, Shrek, MHRA...and the sad thing is, I KNOW I've forgotten stuff...

Also, "That's what she said!"
Monty Python
Meryl Streep
and somewhere in everyone's head is an on/off switch. Mine is triggered by chocolate pastries and "That's what she said!" and Jacob's by Monty Python. We have yet to find Katie's.

Oh and if Michael Jackson comes back during the Zombie Apocalypse and doesn't do Thriller, I'm gonna be pissed!

Man I wish I could record conversations.

btvs, i'm an idiot, smg, michael jackson, life, meryl streep

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