Title: Rose
Fandom: Dollhouse
Pairing: Adelle/Echo
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own them
Sometimes Echo wished she knew who she was. There was just this feeling...this emptiness that she never understood. Why should she feel empty? She was happy. At least that's what they told her. She was happy because she was always doing her best. She was happy because she got to eat and sleep and shower. She had yoga and swimming. But there was something missing. There was always something missing. She never had the words to express it, no matter how much she wished she did. They didn't teach her about that emotion. Sadness? That's what they called it. She wasn't supposed to be sad. But there was this feeling in the pit of her stomach that made her feel like she should be sad. For something she lost. Or someone. The name was on the tip of her tongue, the face just refusing to surface from the back of her mind, but she was sure she'd lost someone. Someone she loved. That was another thing she wasn't supposed to feel. Love. But she was sure she had at some point. No one else understood it and she never talked about it to anyone. Something told her that it was her little secret. But at night, her dreams were haunted by images. A face, surrounded by long, dark hair. Lips curled into a sad smile as they spoke words in a lovely, accented voice. The voice didn't always call her Echo. But she knew that whatever name fell from those lips was supposed to be hers. Something felt right about it. Whatever name those lips said is who she wanted to be.