(no subject)

Jul 30, 2008 13:39

JJ was trying to concentrate on her work, she really and honestly was. But no matter how valiant the efforts, nothing could beat Emily’s cleavage in the top she was wearing today. She sighed, thanking whoever above that she didn’t have to actually participate in the conversation this afternoon.

Besides, she could always get Emily to fill her in later. It was the least she could do after wearing such an outlandish shirt. Really. It was all her fault that JJ kept getting distracted, her eyes following the gently v-slope of the shirt down from the thin, pale neck to the space between those full beautiful breasts.

And then the shirt came to a point and her eyes were forced to travel back up, following the trail of long dark hair, until her eyes connected with the deep dark eyes belonging to Emily Prentiss.

It was a vicious, highly intoxicating cycle, but her eyes seemed compelled to repeat it over and over.

She had to mentally slap herself upside the head to keep a moan from escaping her lips. Emily was already very aware of her wandering eyes, she didn’t need to alert anyone else to the fact as well.

JJ snapped back to reality as she realized everyone was rising from their seats, heading off to who knows where. She really did need to learn how to pay attention.

“JJ.” She heard the smooth voice behind her just as she was about to exit the small conference room. The boys had all left already and she was suddenly very aware that she was completely and utterly alone with the subject of her many fantasies.

“Mm?” She tried to act casual, nonchalant, as she turned around, meeting the dark gaze locked intently on her.

“Could you shut the door please?” She spoke calmly, a slight air of authority in her voice.

Shit. Shit. Shit. JJ knew she was in trouble now. She reached out a slender hand and shut the door gently, her gaze staying locked on the brunette the whole time, trying to gauge her expression.

A small smile spread across Emily’s lips and she turned a little, her back facing JJ as she leaned over her purse, rustling in it for something.

JJ watched the back of her shirt rise up ever so slightly, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of a smooth white back. Her tongue slid over her bottom lip as she longed to trace her hand along the exposed skin.

Her eyes snapped back up as Emily turned around, clutching a tube of lipstick in her fingers. “Mind if I take a moment to refresh?” Emily asked, her eyes dancing with a mischief that was lost on the blonde.

JJ shrugged, slightly wary. “Sure.”

And then she just stared as the brunette popped the top off her lipstick, twisting the stick farther out than was really necessary. JJ furrowed her brow but remained silent, too confused to really gain the ability to form words at the moment.

Her eyes widened as Emily lowered the tube of lipstick into her shirt, tucking it gently in the strap of her bra just between her breasts. Without hesitation, she leaned over, moving her lips along the stick, her brown eyes still gazing mischievously at the blonde.

She lifted her head slowly, revealing almost perfectly covered lips, a smirk adding to the overall affect.

JJ snapped her mouth shut as the profiler reached nonchalantly into her shirt and extracted the lipstick, twisting it back down and securing the cap. She tossed it into her purse and gazed at the press liaison as if nothing out of the ordinary had transpired in the room.

“I’m sorry. I’ve forgotten what I wished to speak to you about. Didn’t mean to waste your time.” Emily smirked, slowly lifting her purse from the table and slinging the strap over her shoulder.

JJ stared at her for a second, the ability to form words slowly coming back to her. “You...you watch too much Breakfast Club.”


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