Essay Answering

Jul 15, 2009 09:44

I applied for a scholarship recently which had the following essay question attached to it:
“Imagine that you have just received an email from Larry Summers, the Director of the White House's National Economic Council for President Barack Obama, asking you for a short proposal on how to revive the U.S. economy. In 500 words or less, please tell us what you would propose to turn around the U.S. economy and why.”

Here’s my jumbled response:

“Because I plan to be an educator, I believe that education is the best way for the U.S. to get itself out of the mess that it is in by educating both children and adults on the importance of financial and nutritional responsibility. The American people has historically been a nation of individuals who seek the greatest good and have the ingenuity to be extremely successful. However in recent decades, the people have relinquished this ingenuity to the government, becoming a lazy crowd of complainers. I propose that the government would invest not in healthcare or road building, or military technology, but in it's people so that they would understand that each person needs to care for himself before he can care for his brothers, that debt is not an option, and that the government isn't the Savior the people and corporations wish it could be. If the American People were enabled and highly encouraged by the government to take care of personal debt and pursue happiness in new fields of grain, I think the economy would work itself out of it’s noose.”

Now, of course there are probably easier, quicker answers to solving the woes of the economy. There are probably several shouts that will come along with this. I am NOT suggesting that we clamp our children down and force feed them though school systems, ridiculous testing and pay teachers a million dollars, what I’m saying is that kids (and adults) need to take responsibility for every choice (action) they make whether it’s what’s for breakfast, or buying a house. Perhaps I could have made it more clear.  >.<

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