May 28, 2004 17:35
I don't even want to know the last time that I updated. Must have been at least a month ago, because I have been so busy with that stupid social studies project. Sorry meghan, I know that I haven'e updated in ages. But neither did u like a couple months ago.
Anyway, I haven't been too busy with anything, just all our projects. Oh, thank god there is only 14 days of school left!
I can't believe I lost the chords to the song I'm learning! That's like the fifth time, I have a folder and everything. Oh well I think it probably fell behind my bookshelf.
OOO I am very tired and rather goofy. GO STINKY CHEESE MAN! (i am not crazy ask meghan!)
I'll update later when there is more going on
Adios mi amigos!