Jun 14, 2004 12:19
Whatup all? I know its been a grip since the update but life has been type hectic as of late. Took on a PT job that I like alot, but is killin me. Unless Im off this Sunday I will have worked 21 days in a row and some of those are double dips per day. Plus the knees arent used to standing for hours on end so theyre type painful right now. I need an Advil IV right about now. Hopefully itll all be worth it at the end of the month when I get that check from both locals.
Man is anything better then seeing that pan of the Lakers bench and seeing the shellshocked looks on their faces? I cant think of much Ive enjoyed as much. This series should be over by now, but I got $10 on Fisher being the first Laker to cry on Tuesday. Any takers?
I need to check a movie here soon. Some good prospects this weekend in Terminal and Dodgeball but the last few weeks has been crap...Can you believe that the whole OJ thing happened 10 years ago? Damn Im getting old I guess...