Feb 05, 2008 17:24
Ok kids, this one might be sorta long.
After much introspection, I've decided to quit (at least for now) psychology. That's right, I will graduate in May with a degree in psychology, just to give it the finger. This decision has come due to a combination of a lot of factors. First of all, grad school is an issue. The thought of spending the next 5 years of my life doing research makes me want to shoot myself. I'm also kinda married to Lubbock/West Texas at the moment, and IF I were to do a psych grad program, I would want a Psy.D., which is not offered here. I've also had a lot of revelations about my future in psychology, and it basically comes down to the fact that uhhh, there's not much of one as far as what I want to do. I'd always had this nice idea of sitting in plush office and getting paid some fat cash to talk to folks, and with our shitty healthcare system, that just doesn't really happen so much anymore. I don't want to have to deal some some seriously fucked up/maladjusted people in order to make decent money. There is also the fact that I've become a bit disillusioned by the field itself. I think a lot of medicine is a complete fraud, and I'm starting to feel more and more like about 95% of psychology is complete bullshit. I think a lot of this has to do with my transition to Tech. I loaded up on psych classes at ASU, and didn't really need to take them here last year. I didn't sit down in a lecture psych class at Tech until last semester, which amounted to a 1 1/2 year break from it. Well, when I got back into it, it just all wasn't clicking for me like it had before. It seems like everything I hear in my classes I just think sounds completely common sensical, or fucking stupid. I refuse to renounce the last 4 years of my life as a waste of time, though. A lot of stuff I learned will certainly be useful, particular the physiological stuff and motivational stuff. But, this is me waving goodbye to mental health.
Sooooo wtf am I going to do? I've looked extensively into the Rawls College of Business, and I feel like it's right for me. I haven't gone and actually talked to anybody yet, but I will be this week. I mean, I have no clue what direction I want to go with it, this is all really sudden and such, but it seems like a good fit for me, my mentality, and what I want in life.
As far as living, I refused to get fucked in every oriface like I did last year. Today me and Ryan went to Fountains and signed a lease for a 3/3 townhome. There are certainly some drawbacks to Fountains, but aside from their front office staff being a bunch of assholes, I really loved living there, the location could not be any better, and it's by far the nicest student living apartment complex in Lubbock, and I'm spoiled and a little stuck up so...ya know. The townhome is way better than the flat I had last year. We're gonna be livin' large.
I had a tremendous self-esteem boost, this morning. In walking, we had a little extra credit opportunity. That's right, extra credit is offered in WALKING. Anyways, all we had to do was go to the personal wellness center and have them measure our percent body fat, and I'd always been curious about that so I did it. The verdict? 13%. Here I've been thinking for kinda a while that I'm tremendously out of shape, and generally a big fat fatty, and turns out that for my weight with that body fat, on their little scale that had like 7 tiers of fitness according to you %BF, I fell right into the 2nd to top one, with the top one being like, elite athletes. I had no clue about what kind of % you should be shooting for, so when the dude told me what mine was I asked and he said 13% is "really good, you can't really be in any better shape than you are without doing some pretty hardcore training." Guess it's time to finally stop being self-conscious about my body. He also said that most of the guys that get measured have something like 18%-25%. All of this news made me feel like my penis grew about 3 inches. Seriously. I don't mention it often but I've never been real pleased with my body. That stops now.
Yesterday it was 76 degrees. This morning it snowed.
Tests this week. Reviews are on my horizon.
But in the meantime I'm going to take off my shirt and admire my lean, fit body for a few minutes.
I'm not joking.