Weekend & more

Jan 15, 2008 12:43

So the first weekend of the semester has come and gone, and I would classify it as far above average, save for a span of about 3 hours which I refuse to let tarnish an otherwise great weekend.

Erica and Matt's dad payed a visit to Lubbock. Not together, c'mon now. Much fun was had.

I dunno if any of you guys ever go to Sam's, but they've started having these premade meals back by the meat department. I thought I'd test drive one of them, and I am doing everyone a public service by recommending it. Well, the chicken parm, anyways. The whole deal is like, $15, but it can easily feed 4 people (or my fatass and 1 other person), and it was good as hell.

Remember that time the New York Giants upset by far the best team in the NFC? I do...and then those assholes had the nerve to beat Dallas the very next week.

That's not even the NFL story of the weekend. Clearly the stupid Colts and stupid Peyton Manning getting beaten by the Billy Volek led Chargers sans LT is a much bigger deal. I still can't figure out how exactly that happened. Anyways, my preseason Super Bowl prediction of New England 38 Dallas 13 is now toast. Sure can't wait for that New England-Green Bay Super Bowl...*yawn*.

The show in Odessa Sunday was badass on a level few shows ever achieve. Still Remains was mediocre, at best. I dunno what their deal is, really. I think they're probably trying way too hard. Evergreen Terrace livened things up, although they played songs almost exclusively off of their new cd...and NONE of their covers!! August Burns Red dominated as expected, and As I Lay dying put on a phenomenal set. I dare you to tell me one metal band that is better live than them.

On a related note, Odessa is still a shithole. I didn't think this was possible, but I'm pretty sure it's gotten uglier (as have the people that live there). I've finally put together what I think is a pretty good theory for explaining the existence of Odessa, TX. I'm almost positive that way back in the day when god was putting our little world together, he got ahold of some bad Mexican food. They didn't have port-a-potties back then, and when those enchiladas caught up to him...I mean, you can't just not answer when nature calls, right? It's not like there was anybody else around, so my boy god just popped a squat right in the middle of what would eventually become West Texas, and Odessa sprang forth from that steaming pile of bad Mexican food shit. It explains the smell, at the very least. I wonder what the literacy rate is there. There's no way it's above 70%. I had to stop a couple places to find Dos Amigos, and I swear to god, the people that gave me directions had to have been the #2, and #3 dumbest people I've ever exchanged words with. The stupidest person is the dumbfuck who took my order at Wendy's before I headed to the show. There is no way that this guy was qualified to be working at Wendy's. That might blow your mind, since a mildly retarded ape could work at Wendy's, but it's true. Had he been a resident in any other city in the United States of America, this guy would be homeless and unemloyed. I'm sure the only way he managed to get a job is b/c the manager is probably only slightly less of a dumbshit than he is. When I become the dictator of the world, eliminating Odessa and all of its inhabitants will be my third order of business, right after I build a giant wall between Texas and Mexico and make Avril my concubine.
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