Just bored and doin' little personality quizzes... I should be starting my rough draft for Senior Mastery. I will. In a few minutes.
Name Acronym GeneratorFrom
Go-Quiz.com "Yum" isn't an adjective, but I'm not complaining. ^_^
How to make a smartorcrazy_bp
1 part intelligence
3 parts silliness
1 part instinct
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of lovability
Personality cocktailFrom
Go-Quiz.com Now THIS is pretty accurate. Nicely done, quizzle!
smartorcrazy_bp HighwayCounty Jail6Bog of Eternal Marriage13TravelWorld57Dumpsville149Tower of Commitment350Please Drive Carefully
Where are you on the highway of life? From
Go-Quiz.com ...Who came up with this, anyway?
You Are 50% Weird
Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!
How Weird Are You? That... sounds about right.