App for Lyle Norg

Jan 01, 2010 04:45

Your name: BluePard
Your LJ: bluepard
Your email: bluepard atgmail
Your AIM, MSN, or Yahoo handle: bluepard2

Character's name: Lyle Norg (Invisible Kid)
Character's LJ: smartnass
Character's canon: Legion of Super-heroes (Post-crisis/Reboot)
Brief (around 300 words) personality outline of your character:

Lyle is a mix of serious, cautionary habits and laid-back, friendly
personality. He tends to accept that he can't understand everyone and
assumes that people have good intentions. He's very charismatic and
deals easily with others. Despite this, Lyle tends not to talk about
himself unless it's necessary. This isn't always because those details
are secret but simply out of habit. He's very good at keeping
different parts of his life separate. Even close friends may not know
anything about his family, who he's dating or what's bothering him.

Lyle can be snarky, but this is usually reserved for enemies and
rivals. Even with enemies, he doesn't tend to let his perceptions of
people stop him from giving them a chance--to the point of sometimes
getting himself into obvious trouble. He's egalitarian and quick to
defend people's rights.

Lyle has strong opinions about what should be done and always wants to
contribute. He's willing to disobey orders if he feels he's right, and
he's lead both the Espionage Squad and the Legion. However, he prefers
a more supportive position. Being in charge is something he finds
stressful and bad for his relationships with others by because it
makes him irritable and more thoughtless.

Although Lyle likes the background, it's not out of shyness. Lyle is a
bit of a show-off who enjoys using his abilities to surprise or
impress people. He also can be silly, using friendly flattery on his
friends, joking, and using his advanced scientific knowledge to make
new flavors of ice cream.

Lyle will walk into dangerous situations to save people with the
attitude that there is no option not to do it. He may think to himself
that he's about to get himself killed, but it will never occur to him
not to do it. He treats saving people more as a fact of life than a

Brief (around 500 words) history and background of your character OR
link to a really good wiki page with their history. In either case,
explain where they cut off from the timeline:

Lyle is taken from when the Legion was left adrift in the void between
dimensions, before Legion of 3 Worlds. Essentially, at the same point
as the rest of the reboot cast.

Sample post (just a general, everyday, puttering-around-the-ship post;
please include a snippet of dialogue):

Lyle was tired but couldn't quite sleep. Nervous energy and a residual
sense of danger were keeping him alert. Not alert enough for him to
trust himself with anything important, though; not coherent enough to
work on his projects.

Normally, he'd wander around Legion World at this point and touch base
with all his friends. Someone was always awake, and there was always
something new going on.

But now he was much more alone than he'd been for a long time, in ways
he didn't care to think about. So he found himself sitting at one of
the more busy intersections and people-watching. He tried to guess
people's backgrounds or personalities from the way they carried
themselves, but he couldn't even be sure of species. He'd just have to
step out of the shadows--not that he needed shadows to disappear.

"Excuse me," he said to the next person to walk by, "I'm new here.
Would you mind filling me in? I'll teach you how to hand whistle."

To demonstrate, he cupped his hands and made a lonely whistling sound.
It wasn't the smoothest introductions, but most people felt compelled
to try it out and ask for tips when all they got was phbtttttttt.

If the character has magic, mutant, or otherwise metahuman abilities,
please explain what they are and outline EXACTLY how they function, as
their powers may not work due to the nature of the ship or may need to
be limited somehow:

Lyle has invisibility that he can extend to objects or people around
him. Making himself invisible is easy, but making large things
disappear, such as other people, is exhausting. He can control this
invisibility completely, making only parts of his body or layers of
his flesh disappear. His invisibility is the result of bending light
around himself.

Non-superhuman special abilities of note (Is your character a master
ventriloquist? A naturally-occurring super-genius? The best martial
artist in the world? Say so here):

Lyle is a genius scientist and spy. He can knock out humans with
pressure points and has various infiltration abilities. He's
experienced with strategy and subterfuge.
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