I apologized for what I've said in recent entry. it was more of ranting, so mmm.
I was only angry and said things that I don't really meant here. I know I do have a right to say what I want in my entries.
I knew I do want to graduate from Gallaudet University, but I am not worrying about when.
I knew I do want to be a psychologist, period. I am not sure about what field in, really. I knew I do want a psychology degree from Gallaudet University, period. end of discussion.
I knew I do want to involve in many different organzantions such as a sorority that I won't really announce the name, rainbow society, and other few organzations.
I knew I do want to improve my grades, really. I know I can do it. I do not know where did my confidence went or changed. I know I'm scared of what people think of me or the way I write or whatever, really. I know I should just really DO what I really want. mmm.
For friends I have at gallaudet, I apologized for doubted in every friendship I have with you all.. I know that you all have been trying to be there for me when I rejected or built a wall around me which it wasn't necessary. I wish you all could understand what I've been going through this semester. I know I said things before I actually THINK twice, really. I know I've been there for every friends I have at gallaudet. I know I probably contributed a little or big to every friendships I have at gallaudet. I honestly do thank you all for being trying to be there for me when I didn't want you to. I know I made a mistake by ranting or blurting things out when I didn't really meant to. I was only angry and being jealous for some reasons, but please don't ask why. Friends, Best friends, people who I love, I never will doubt yall ever again. It was one of my fears, when I thought it'd come true, but no. I never ask you all to understand this, really.
so pardon me for my last recent entry. it was only me ranting out of my chest, thats all.
good night, people.
happy halloween.