Feb 02, 2006 05:49
connection? hard to resist. hard to deny. connection.
this will be the real update in a while to compensate for that last scary/non post.
i went out to do work today, but screwed out of one class after skipping another. spent non-work time in the ab, which i value more and more. off campus living means i'm not there as much as i use to be and i miss that. talked to shaun. it was nice and relaxed and friend like rather than co worker like. came home and took a nap. did little work, thought about food and waited for a phone call. had an earlier night than expected that lasted longer than i thought. got some work done but mostly co-related ideas and the such. accepted each other and had bratty talk. it was good. dinner. better than pizza i pay for. good night. fuck the essay that's not done yet. i'm reckless in a forced maturity so see what you will. life is phases. this is a phase. i'm five and i'll grow out of it and face the music.
just. good. food, jokes, talks, theory, art, criticism and some work in there.
now to ting and apple chips.