Jul 02, 2008 12:30
I don't feel like doing much at work today (even though I know I need to!) so I figured I'd try to do a quick 15 minute update on my life, as I had promised the other night before I fell asleep while reading that Carlin book.
First of all, the book wasn't boring, I was just cold so I put my sweats on and a hoodie and got under the covers of my bed, and then one thing led to another and I ended up falling asleep because I was so comfortable. And I was also tired as hell, so that explains that. Napalm and Silly Putty is actually a very funny book...at least what I've read of it so far.
But anyway, back to the updates...let's see...I have everything to talk about from November 13(?) to today. Well, I started working at the Archives and Records Center of the PA House of Representatives as an oral historian, or rather, an oral history researcher, cause I don't actually do the interviews, I just research so I don't know if it's fair to call me an "oral historian" but whatever. So basically what I do here, or what I'm supposed to do, is look up biographical information, legislative information, review the floor journals, look through newspaper articles and newsletters to get enough information about each Member to compile a list of questions which we will use to interview the Members, if they consent. Sometimes they don't so all of our research is in vain. Which sucks. Anyway, everyone I work with is great, I can't believe I get along with everyone so well. The only thing that really sucks is that we're split into two offices. So I don't get to interact with most of my co-workers all that much. So that leads me to slack off a lot because nobody is around to see that I'm not actually researching or anything. And then in January, the office I was in also got occupied by guys from the storeroom since they were getting a new room and it had to be remodeled and everything, so all they ever did was sleep at their desk or play games all day long. It was so distracting and unfortunately it got me in the habit of doing very similar things. I mean, I don't sleep or play games, but I don't get much work done. It's so hard to get things done here though. It's so boring! I've wanted to apply for other jobs but I always stop myself from doing it because I'm so behind with everything! I don't want to be offered another job adn then have to bust my ass to get 4 months of work done in 2 weeks! Or have my bosses ask me why I didn't have so many Representatives researched...it would just be a mess, and I don't need that kind of drama right now! So, there isn't really a whole lot else to say about work. It is what it is.
Onto my personal life now...I guess. Actually, there isn't a whole lot going on there! Basically, it comes down to this: someone kind of liked me, I didn't like him. I had a miniscule crush on one of the legislative fellows, but only because he is British. That was basically it there. Right now, I kind of like someone, but I can't decide if it would be a good idea to go for it. I saw a fortune teller again this past weekend and he told me that he was confident that I'd meet who I will eventually marry by January. It's kind of comforting to know that I don't already know this person. Oh, but he did also say that I'm kind of hung up on someone I had a relationship with already, and that person will re-enter my life and we will be in a relationship again. But it won't be as intimate. Whatever that means. I think I know who this guy was talking about. C, maybe?
Um...okay, I have 2 minutes, and I'm probably wasting time by stating that, but I don't think there's much else I need to say! There really hasn't been much excitement going on in my life. Oh! I went to NYC in April with Amy and it was fabulous!! :) And then in the beginning of June I went to Rehoboth with Stacey & Mark, Andy, Ryan, Beekler, and Bri, and that was a fun time too! I just wish we didn't have to leave!! Being at the beach was so nice! Except that the Atlantic Ocean was a fucking icebox!! The water was so cold that I was getting numb from it! And then the waves were pretty wicked too. I still have some scars from my failed attempts at getting out of the water and being pounded by more waves, haha.
Alright, I'll try to write more soon if I can think of anything exciting that's happened! Maybe I'll write something about my concert experiences so far this year!!