I can honestly say that the last few days helping Professor Snape have been an experience if nothing else. Oh! Yes a great learning curve indeed. One does learn so much from getting filthy scrubbing out a mountain of cauldrons and getting even filthier on your knees cleaning out his fireplace. I should be grateful though that I didn’t have black lead it as well. Goodness just had a thought…I hope he hasn’t got that planned for next time. With him one never can tell…
Though to be fair I don’t think that job was intended for me. He made me clean it because I gave him some advice which he didn’t appear to care for. Really though my idea made perfect sense it really did. Had he let me help him clear his storeroom of those boxes BEFORE I was to begin cleaning in there then it would have made things easier all round. Him coming in and out while I was trying to mop the floor would not be a good idea now would it? Sadly though he did not see it that way and promptly dragged to into his private off to clean said fireplace. And of course right in the middle of doing so who should come to the door to talk other than Malfoy. He appeared to think I looked highly amusing and smirked. My fingers are itching for a repeat performance of our second year they really are.
Still I did get to at least help make a basic potion for the infirmary supplies during my first visit which was very good. It would have helped had he not made me do so covered in cauldron residue but still I enjoyed it. The potion making I mean not being so utterly filthy.
During my second visit I did also get two shocks and two surprises. Neither is any concern or business of yours so kindly keep your noses out and do not ask. Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies.
Oh! Before I finish I would like to say I do think it would be a wonderful idea if several students volunteered there services to other teachers. To seek and help where needed so my new motto, so come along everyone chop chop.
//////Private entry//////
When he hit me I really can’t tell you who was more shocked, him or me. Of course at the time I would have said me because I was on the receiving end. But now I am not so sure because the look on his face spoke a thousand un-said words. Both he and I knew that by striking me across my palms he had overstepped the mark. He knows I could get him at best fired and at worst thrown into Azkaban. I wouldn’t of course because not matter how people in this school hate him, he is in fact a very brave wizard who is strong in mind as well as sprit. I will not be the cause of more pressure on him than he already has. I go to him daily to ease his heavy burden at least just a little. I forgave him and truly in the long run that really is all the matters.
My refusal to leave him when he told me too after that incident bought about the most wonderful thing. He let me have access to his vast private collection of books-his own personal library. I could get very lost in there for hours and hours there is so much wonder behind every cover. I am even more eager to help him than before if that is even possible.
I think it is because there is more to the man behind the wizard than most people see. I would like to see much more of that other wizard and shall keep attending each day probe further.
/////End of private/////