Title: Kimchi Pancakes
Pairing: Yunjae
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Non-AU, humor, romance, bandfic
Status: Oneshot
Summary: Changmin gets the munchies late one night and goes to the kitchen and find Jaejoong, a little less than happy to see him.
Changmin was mindlessly surfing the web, reading emails sent by fans amongst other things. Looking down at his computer screen, his mind registered that it was roughly a quarter to eleven. Almost as if on cue his stomach gave a loud rumble. Without a single thought to be wasted on whether he should go and hunt for food, he pushed himself out of his chair and whimsically teetered toward his bedroom door, not even bothering to look towards Yoochun who was lost in a world of his own, playing a racing game on his cell phone.
His bare feet made dull thuds as he walked towards their shared kitchen. Mind already sifting through the endless possibilities of what sort of midnight snack the fridge had in store for him. Upon entering the well lit kitchen he was not surprised to see Jaejoong standing behind the counter, a measuring cup full of flour in one hand while the other was tightly encircling a large wooden bowl. The dark haired member let out a soft groan as he looked up, eyes meeting with the newcomer.
“C-Changmin!” Jaejoong stuttered almost breathlessly, surprised to see him there unlike the latter.
The younger DBSK member gave a slight nod. He was about to take a step forward when Jaejoong suddenly slammed the cup of flour onto the countertop. Startled, Changmin froze in his tracks.
“I thought you w-went to bed?” Jaejoong managed to utter, his dark eyes big and wide as he stared at the younger man.
Changmin grunted, looking down. “I got hungry. Wanted to grab something to eat.” Taking his gaze off from the wooden floor, he looked at the older DBSK member. “What are you making?”
Changmin quirked an eyebrow at the extremely unhelpful reply, only to grow more confused as Jaejoong’s eyes slowly closed, his teeth biting into his lip while his fist tightened around the cup of flour.
“Uh,” the younger singer scratched the back of his neck, “Jaejoong, are you okay?”
Jaejoong’s eyes sprung wide open at the inquiry, “Y-yeah, I’m fine.”
“You look like something is bothering you.” Changmin stated, crossing his arms. A prickling feeling ran down his spine at the piercing gaze he was currently receiving from his band mate. For some reason, he felt like he shouldn’t be standing there. As if he was intruding somehow. He looked around, not finding anyone there.
Wincing, the raven haired singer caught the younger man’s stare and gulped. “Ah…it’s just a stomach. Nothing really.” Swallowing yet again, he began to talk faster. “Hey, how about this? I’m going to finish making these kimchi pancakes. Once they’re done I’ll bring them to your room. How does that sound?”
Kimchi pancakes.
Changmin’s mouth watered at the thought. He grinned widely and turned to go, missing the look of sheer relief pass across Jaejoong’s face.
Walking back into his room, he took a seat back in his chair and stretched.
“Where’s the food?” Yoochun asked not even needing to ask where the other had gone. Eyes however, not leaving the bright LED screen.
“Jaejoong is making kimchi pancakes,” Changmin replied, and in the traditional Changminisque way, he continued to ramble. “Although to be honest, now that I think about it…those aren’t so great to eat when you have a stomach ache.”
“You have a stomach ache?” Yoochun asked, eyes still glued to his phone.
The younger member shook his head, “No. Jaejoong does. When I walked into the kitchen he was groaning. I think he was in more pain then he let on. He slammed a cup against the countertop. Hard.”
Yoochun paused.
Looking up from his game, he gave Changmin a curious stare.
Lost in his thoughts, Changmin continued to ramble although talking slower than usual, as if trying to wrap his mind around something. “But…it was really weird………though. I kept…getting this strange vibe………that Jaejoong didn’t……want me there.”
This seemed to pique Yoochun’s interest even more. Straightening up from his perch atop his bed, he grinned. “Really?”
Changmin nodded, his gaze turning to meet with his roommates. “Yeah……He even offered to bring me pancakes…to my room when he was done. Usually…he tells me to come get it myself.”
“Oh I bet I know what it was.”
Springing out of bed, Yoochun raced towards the door. Confused but more curious than anything Changmin followed. He grew even more puzzled when Yoochun turned and continued towards Yunho’s bedroom. The older DBSK member threw open their leaders bedroom door to find it empty as a ghost town. The toothy grin on his face grew larger as he turned and raced towards the kitchen.
Upon seeing Yunho standing right behind Jaejoong, his grin turned even more Cheshire like.
“Shame, shame, shame,” he shook his head playfully as he looked at the two older members who suddenly stiffened. “In the kitchen. Out in the open. You guys have really grown careless.”
Changmin just stood there like a dunce, confused beyond belief. What was Yoochun going on about? He looked at Yunho and then at Jaejoong. What was even more confusing was the fact that the two looked extremely guilty.
“How is the stomach ache?” Yoochun continued knowingly.
Jaejoong’s gaze immediately lowered as his face flushed scarlet. “It’s g-gone now.”
“I assume Yunho had something to do with that.”
The leader of the band was found at a loss for words as the sounds coming from his mouth didn’t appear to be any form of language known to mankind.
Changmin frowned to himself.
Something was not right here.
Jaejoong…Yunho…pancakes…kitchen…stomach ache …shame? What the hell did any of that have to do with anything?
“Our YunJae have to be more careful,” Yoochun smirked as he grabbed some kimchi out of the container sitting on the countertop. “Our stalkers have all the latest camera equipment available. What if you two got caught, hmm?”
The two men shivered at the thought, both unconsciously throwing a quick gaze towards the kitchen window.
Changmin froze.
“Wait! WAIT!” Changmin threw his hands out in front of himself. “Are…you telling me it wasn’t just …fanservice?”
Yunho shot Yoochun a dirty look while Jaejoong suddenly started to hack up a lung.
“Oh my g-god,” Changmin stuttered, eyes wide. “Oh! OH! WHAT WERE YOU DOING WHILE YOU WERE MAKING ME PANCAKES?”
All three pairs of eyes turned towards the youngest member in disbelief.
“Dude, seriously?” Yoochun said.
“Yeah!” Changmin replied, red faced. “They can do whatever they want but NOT and NEVER when making FOOD! How am I supposed to eat when I have to think about what my food might have TOUCHED?!”
Jaejoong lifted his head, eyes lost in thought as his head bobbed to the side. “Valid point.”
Yoochun’s nose wrinkled, “Oh that’s just gross.”
“What’s gross?” Junsu said as he stepped into the fray that was currently taking place in the kitchen. Seeing two ready cooked kimchi pancakes he walked towards the counter and grabbed one off the plate, taking a bite.
“Pretty good.” He said after swallowing. “What are you waiting for?” He pointed to the bowl of batter still clutched in Jaejoong’s hands. “Fry the rest.”
“I’m not hungry anymore.” Changmin winced, turning on his heel and nearly bolting towards his room.
Junsu stared at the younger member’s retreating form, finding this to be the first time he’d ever heard Changmin utter those words. “Is he alright?”
“He’s fine.” Yoochun assured, stealthily approaching the other member and stealing the remainder of the pancake from Junsu’s grasp. “Let’s go finish writing that song we were working on.”
Confused, Junsu tried to reach for another pancake only to have Yunho snatch the plate away. “B-but it’s late!”
“No time like the present!” Countered Yoochun as he dragged his boggled friend out from the kitchen.
As soon as the two were out of sight Jaejoong released the breath he didn’t even know he was holding and sagged against the counter.
“Never again.” He groaned, “Never again, Yunho.”
“Okay,” Yunho nodded, “Never again in the kitchen. But how about in the laundry room?”
Jaejoong turned to face his lover with a smile, “No windows.”
“And even better,” Yunho let his arms grab a hold of Jaejoong’s waist as he pulled the other towards himself. Leaning down to whisper into his ear, Yunho grinned, “There’s a lock.”
Turning his head Jaejoong pecked his lover on the lips, “Locks are always good.”