(no subject)

Aug 07, 2005 16:16

Kinda a lot of stuff has happened since the last time I wrote in this thing. Allison was here for like 5 days. We had so much fun :) I had to work a lot, but like we watched movies and went shopping and stuff. So that was cool. And last night we stayed up till like one-something just talking about school and friends and guys and stuff.
haha....Dave brought this really cool straw on Wednesday to show me. It was like wicked long and had orange stripes on it and stuff. I was like, "oh that's so cool!" then he said it was for me! so he gave me this very cool straw and told me to drink soda with it....which i haven't yet. but i will :)
Alyssa's back from camp. Its....I don't know. I hate saying this, but it was kinda nice having her gone. And when she came back she was all like, "oh I had so much fun, and now I'm really good friends with everyone now, and...oh! do you want to read all the notes that people wrote to me in my notebook?" So....yeah. I REALLY don't want her coming to school this year.
Ok, I'm totally about to leave my job. Two days ago my sugar was getting low and my manager wouldn't let me get lunch! She was like, "You're leaving in at 2:30- you don't get a lunch break." Then she goes and gts lunch when she was leaving at 1:00! That's just wrong. Oh! and I don't get paid for like ...a while..because she forget to give me a drug test, and I can't get paid until I have one!! I can't STAND her!!!! And when I told my dad this stuff he was seriously ready to call the lawyer. He had me talk to the manager of all the Sears stores in the whole northeast to try and work things out. Ugh.
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