Jun 16, 2004 15:00
well again it feels like i havent written in mad long. and i hope u guys r reading my xanga thingy. and what not. 3 finals down, 3 regents' 2 go. that sux. and the summer is coming so fast its almost unreal. its like im gonna wake up tomorrow and its gonna b February 14th again. and all that is now isnt real. its all make believe. it seems so scary that everything i have now will just disappear. i dont like that feeling. especially cause things have actually been going my way. well except 4 the tests. i guess thats it and i just wanted 2 add this
smartblond1027's LJ stalker is lilmizshortie!
lilmizshortie is stalking you because you got better results for the 'acronym' thing than them. They are also eating your food when you aren't looking!