Jan 20, 2009 19:26
When I woke up this morning I couldn't wait to look out the window. There was a beautiful white blanket covering everything, with more snow coming down.
This was fun to look at, but no so fun to semi deal with. The snow started sticking to the pavement and it made me nervous to drive. After scraping off my car (it was much more powdery this time than the last snow) I tried to head to work. It was already after I was supposed to be there, but who cares? Not I. I take a right out of the complex and slowly make my way to Carmel Road. I am pretty sure they skipped salting that road. Black ice! I was going down a slight hill, without my foot on the gas, and I started to slide. I "gently" slid into the curb and then realized that the three cars in front of me where starting to back/slide down the hill. I turned into the complex entrance nearest me and went to my apartment to regroup. I'm a baby, but that hill looked scary. 30 minutes later I attempt it again. I had a heck of a time making it to the top of the hill. Once I reached the summit, cars had slid to either side of the road. Heavy ice with the potential to slide down the hill in three directions or slide into another car. Luckily, there were three people at the top of the hill coaching people through it. I don't know why exactly, but they totally helped me out. I got to work at 9:20 and surprisingly the office wasn't missing many people.
I didn't think that my little curb check was anything to be concerned about, by my neck and back have been bugging me all day and I've been semi light-headed. I think I will go to bed early tonight.
So, I guess I've met my snow quota for the year. 4 inches is enough for me, and more than most people in Charlotte got.