1st Punch [Private | Easily Hackable]

Aug 22, 2008 19:49

So, DramaDramaDuck. Huh. It's an odd place, but hey, it's all over the world.

And supposedly in other worlds.

I dunno whether to believe that or not, but hell, I could use someone to fight besides Kuwabara. Need to keep on my toes, or so the old bat says.

Though I really wouldn't mind a break after the Dark Tournament, that...wasn't a picnic. I mean...sure, the fights were fun, but...

Oh, fuck it. It's done and over with, Toguro's gone, Genkai's fine, and the world doesn't have to worry about rampaging youkai for the time being.

...I hope.

yuusuke sucks at technology, bored yuusuke's bored, is there a sparring partner in the house, this place is odder than the reikai

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