(no subject)

May 25, 2004 21:53


10 song artist u love-
+motion city soundtrack
+liz phair
+more north
+maroon 5
+john mayer
+3 doors down
+jimmy buffet
9 things that make u smile-
+greg hebert
+my sister
8 things you wear daily-
7 things that annoy you-
+using the same knife for peanut butter AND jelly
+kool-aid mustache
+pointless stories
+popular people
6 things ur looking forward too
+swimming in college
+partying it up with sarah
+harry potter movie coming out on June 4
5- things ur scared of
+being alone the rest of my life
+not being liked
4 people u wanna spend more time with
3 movies u could watch over and over
+harry potter and the socerer's stone
+harry potter and the chamber of secrets
2 special moments
+first kiss
+my entire spain trip
1 person u could spend forever with
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