wayward_au 'verse. Set. . .not in the current timeline. John=
hunter_semperfi, Dean=
jstliketherifle, Sam=
likely_evil, Amy=
hissluttyjuliet. Set after
this ,
this and durring
this. Maybe Alec had a basic problem with prejudice. He was prejudice against the prejudice. Did that make him a hypocrite?
No matter which way that little moral dilemma weighted itself out he had issues.
A bunch of them.
He had found Dean and Sam's father. That wasn't so much and issue as. . .a can of worm. A BIG can of worms
Problem: The man wasn't to fond of Alec being friends with Amy.
Because she was a demon.
Well he could take that and shove it where the sun didn't shine. Because at the moment Alec liked Amy way better than John.
Also? John assumed that Alec and Amy were fucking. Which, okay they were, but that wasn't actually the part of the relationship that Alec found the most important, so what did it matter if they were canoodling as well as cuddling.
And, oh boy, where things gonna get ugly when John found out that the woman Sam was shacking up with was another demon. One way bitchier than Amy.
On a totally unrelated note, but still of some importance, Alec hurt. Maybe, just maybe, and he wasn't admitting to any sort of wrong doing or personal negligence, mind you, he shouldn't have scampered up that half story to the roof.
Because the pain was a little bit magical in the way it laid him flat here and made him put a whole lot of serious thought into some really retarded things. Like if the Pulse had down anything good for the west coast it was to help decrease the smog. The starts were amazing.
He was also noticing, that climbing wasn't just about arms and legs. There was a lot of push and pull on the torso. Particularly the abdomen. Where he was also noticing that he had a lot of muscle. Muscle that had been very nicely situated between all the nice helpful people that had wanted to put Alec's broken bits back together and the broken bits in question.
So clearly, something had had to give. And now, well, he guessed that a couple of months wasn't really enough time for all of that damage to heal, even for an X5.
Another problem. Hoping that his Dad didn't find him laid out like this. It would pass. At least, well enough for Alec to get home later and take some of those pain killers and muscle relaxants he was really kinda appreciating having on hand.
He watched as Jinx circled his semi-sprawled form and then settle next to him, using his arm and a pillow. "You wont tell anyone, right?" Jinx rolled his eyes and sighed. Clearly he would only rat Alec out if he got stupider. Which was always a possibility.
But back to John. Who didn't really seem to eager to claim Alec as family. Not so much of a problem actually, as, at the moment, Alec didn't feel like extending much of a hand in that direction either.
Seriously? Why extend to have it bitten on when John found out that Sam wasn't the only psychic in the family? Because it's not like Alec could, or would do much about it. He liked his eyeballs, thanks ever so.
That was if they ever got past the whole not a real boy, and in fact, part cat, issue. Alec had a feeling that this one was going to take more than some mint in exchange for a dead bird on the door step.
Not to mention the fact that Gena would injure him if he brought a dead anything into her building.
Alec sighed. "Suppose I shouldn't just leave him wandering with out back up though. Should I." Jinx yawned. "You are no help on the moral front my friend." Alec was glad to note that he could pet the dog without moving much. That was totally cool. He lay there for a few minutes but scratching Jinx's ears and letting the pain nailing him to the roof ebb away.
"Fuck." Jinx was unimpressed. "Fuck, fuck. Couldn't he have just been like 'Hey, nice to meet you, congratulations on living this long, glad everyone's kinda happy. And oh, by the way, I'm not a prejudice ass. It's okay that all of your family isn't quite human. Or you know, never was.' At this rate I'm next on the list because, he's, I dunno, a dog person instead of a cat person. Maybe he's allergic to cats on a moral level. Lets face it. We can be pretty amoral."
Jinx sneezed, which he felt expressed his opinions pretty clearly. "He's certainly allergic to lust demons. Shouldn't he be wearing a god damned Medic Alert for shit like that." Jinx cocked an eyebrow at Alec, because what the hell did he care if John ever wore one? As long as Alec wore his, and look there it was. Complete with the word 'epileptic'. Jinx's work here was done.
"Serve him right if I had some of the army do Winchester-Watch. But I suppose, not very fair if he sends them packing back to Hell. Not a good why to instill loyalty from the troop." He stopped petting Jinx and fished his phone out of his pocket. Luck would have it that it wasn't next to the hip pressed to the roof. Time to see who was up at TC, and even more importantly, who was bored out of their genetically enhanced skulls.