Jan 22, 2009 22:26
How have you beaten the odds?
That's me.
We each have our very own unique designation number. It all means something. The sort of unit we were built to be, skills, donors, all kinds of good stuff. But the important part here is the last three digits. That's how we identify ourselves. That the part that's really unique.
I also know that they numbered each embryo starting with 000 and went up sequentially. When all was said and done there were only 100 X5s.
For those of you that are mathematically deficient, that means only one in ten made it to birth.
Not that I knew if that failure rate was due to physically fatal defect or termination for being sub par to standard. In English? I don't know whether they built us wrong and we had a tendency to croak over or if we were, I dunno, not pretty enough and they offed us. I wasn't really there, you know? And even my memory only goes back so far.
I'm going to guess it was more the first though. I mean you figure, it's gotta sting a little to having large chunks of your DNA yanked out and having DNA that doesn't quite fit right crammed in instead.
That, folks, is what Transgenic really means.
Anyway, one out of ten. No wonder we were so damned expensive to built.
Prompt list.
Muse: Alec McDowell/X5-494
'Verse: Open
Fandom: Dark Angel
Word count: 225
Open to RP
death and taxes,
made pretty,
made of awesome,
unit bravo,
'verse: open,
(comm) creative muses,