Uh. . . so really I blame it all on Dean (
jstliketherifle). He showed up and so did a new-ish Alec. You'll most likely be seeing a lot from him lately since normal Alec is being real quiet.
I most likely should put this behind a cut, but. . .they annoy me.
So here it is in bullet point (except I don't remember how to write the HTML for those and am to lazy to look)
- Alec does not know Ruby or pretty much anyone else.
- Alec hasn't even been out of Manticore for a year. In fact the hostage thing at Jam Pony hasn't happened yet.
- Biggs and CeCe were his closest siblings. They are dead. I know that messes with the cannon time line a bit. Deal, please. (Because you all care so much, right?)
- Alec had no knowledge of all things bumping in the night before meeting Dean.
- Here is an
index of his RPs in chronological order, since this journal isn't primarily his. And not all of his RPs will be on this journal. (Look at how organized I am? It's almost OCD.) I'll even try and keep it updated.
- All of his posts will be marked with
'verse: happiness is a warm gun- He isn't so big on the music quotes either. Just sayin'.
- He is big on being a smart ass. So feel free to talk to him. Poke the kitten. He hisses.