Storm Alec is not being discrete. The time for that sort of hunting is over. Persian leopard usually hunt from the shadows, circle and stalk. So do assassins. And he is both.
But that the sort of hunting you do when prey and people don’t know you’re there. Don’t know what’s going on. It’s what you do when you have time. And that ship has sailed. Long gone. He thinks he forgot to wave as it passed.
The secrets are all open and they are out of time.
Who is there to hide from?
Dean knows. Alec had warned Sam that Dean would know. They all know Dean knows.
Lilith must know. Seriously, it was just a natural conclusion. She’d have to be an idiot to think that Dean’s soul was going to be taken with out a fight. Or that Sammy wouldn’t pony up in the end. If she thought he wouldn't then she wouldn’t be afraid. Wouldn’t care if he lived or died.
Ruby knows. Knows that he wont be content to be protected by her. He has to be able to protect her back. He’ll stay with in his six foot radius as promised. But in the mean time he lives with the books that Bobby sent. With Ruby’s books of witch craft. Learning, learning, learning.
Sam knows a thing or two as well. Like the fact that Alec wont get that protection tattoo for a very different reason than the apparent obvious one. It’s for Ruby. She is vulnerable. But he can give her safety if he has to. He doesn’t mind sharing. And really? If they have to share? Well he knows a demon can’t equal his speed, and with her power added? They’ll make it out alive.
Sam also knows that this is like coming home for Alec. Maybe the others do to, but he’ll admit it. Alec is a soldier, a hunter, a killer and a protector. Maybe it was the way he was raised, or the special mix of John and Mary, because sometimes he’s so like Dean, or maybe its something that was slipped in after, like a thief in the night or knife to the ribs. But he is feeling steadier than he has in years. Confident. Strangely whole. This is something he is good at. And he’s doing it to protect everything and everyone he holds dear. He has handed Sam one of the best weapons this country has ever made. Sam wont waste it.
Terminal City knows. It’s hard to not know. He’s fortifying the place. Rock salt is coming in by the pallet. Iron beams. Harder to come by than one would think. The guard towers all have Holy water guns. Alec is wondering if he can have that Saint friend of Sam’s make a few rounds. This is not TC war, but they will be dug in so deep that nothing but God will move them.
This was the calm before the storm. He knew it.
Muse: Alec McDowell/X5-494
Fandom: Dark Angel
Word count: 499 (So close.)
Open to RP