[locked to the In Crowd] "Its a dead mans party, Who could ask for more."

Feb 25, 2008 12:37

It was a post funeral party. Like a cast party, only with fewer stage ninja and more black.

Just as many actors though. And he for one, was sick of it. Ally had gotten a suite of rooms at one of the local hotels and the first thing he did was shed the suit and the pall of sadness that clung to it.

The second thing? He liberated a beer from the extremely well stocked mini bar. Copious amounts of Chinese and pizza where on the way. Wads of cash were waiting on the table near the door in case he and Ally weren't the one's to answer. The floor was littered with baby toys, cat toys and kittens. If you asked the kittens and the kids the toys were interchangeable.

This is what happened when all the cat sitters left town together. And the hotel was charging enough to put up with it. Besides, nothing cheered people up more than small tumbling fuzzy animals and adorable children.

It also helped that Sam and Dean could stop being dead for a few hours. That was just an added bonus on top of the food.

trouble (the kitten.), ally, sam, story line: going out with a bang, elle, ruby, rp, death and taxes, dean, hell cats, jondy

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