Nov 30, 2007 14:07
2. Have you ever cheered for the wrong team, chosen the wrong side, picked the wrong horse or backed the wrong person in a fight? If so, what would you do differently, if you could do it over?
Yeah. Me.
What would I do differently?
Block that kick to the nuts that Max gave me.
Remember that women like to kick rather than punch and not get cocky. (with in reason. I can't just stop breathing.)
Bitch slap Mia and tell her that if she wants help she should fucking ask and not screw with my head. She's lucky I didn't fucking shoot her. I have no hidden anger. It's all out in the open.
Muse: Alec McDowell/X5-494
Fandom: Dark angel
Word count: 77
jam pony,
(comm) realm of the muse -inactive,
secret agent man,
fast 'n' stupid,