realmofthemuse RotM 1.48: Cruelty. "But you caught me here"

Nov 14, 2007 17:34

2. Write a ficlet on the subject of cruelty.


Slim Fast. The Thigh Master. Sit Coms. The Honda Element. Why does humanity inflict these things on it's self?

I wasn't gonna post this but someone told me that I was just lying to myself if I didn't.

The worst part is that we thought it was okay. Not that they tortured us. (Okay, not like it was fun, I'm a fan of not seeing my bones charred. But I ask? Who is a fan of that? So nothing weird there.) But that we thought it was okay.

I mean, yeah, sometimes we fought. But we thought we were wrong when we did so. We'd fight and not only would we get what ever they were planning for us, we'd usually get punished.

Don't talk to me about the objectification of women or bullshit like that. So it's demeaning to reduce a woman down to tits and ass, but in the end everyone knows that those tits an that ass belong to a person. We never got that. Our tits, asses. legs, hands, internal organs, brains, and minds belong to Manticore and the government. And were treated a lot like Legos. Mix and match. Don't like it, take it apart and reconfigure.

We were never people. We were objects. Weapons. Tech. Just as likely to be dismantled as a hand gun or a CPU. More likely really. They built us but there's no users manual. If some thing goes wrong they take one of us apart to figure it out.

We're hotter than most tech though. Have you looked at us? So I guess in that way we're a bit better. Prettier. I'd do me, but I wouldn't do a hand gun.

Anyway. Objects. It didn't matter if we have feeling, emotional or physical. Because we were to shut up and take it. Like a doll. A very intelligent, thinking, reasoning, feeling, expensive doll.

The cruel part though? That we asked for it. Manticore fucking blew up. We were free. And we went back.


Lucky for us there was nothing to go back to.

Muse: Alec McDowell/X5-494
Fandom: Dark Angel
Word Count: 348
Open to RP

x5, psy-ops, (comm) realm of the muse -inactive, unit bravo, truth, shoddy dna, reindoctrination, death and taxes, trangenics, lab cat, manticore, ben/x5-493

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