realmofthemuse Opposite Sex. "There is a shortage of perfect breasts in the world."

Oct 31, 2007 13:57

" T'would be a pitty to damage yours."-Westly, The Princess Bride.

The most important thing I’ve learned about the opposite sex is…
. . .not to underestimate them. Seriously. Gem? She laid out a Familiar with one punch. While in labor. You wanna tell her she's weaker because she's a female? You could. She'd just laugh at you.

I mean, don't get me wrong. The rules are different for females. But that's it. Different. You wanna talk combat? Females usually can't through a punch as well. Smaller hands, less upper body strength. But they make up for it by how hard they kick. And the fact that they can get their legs up higher than any male. And isn't that just a pleasant visual?

I was taught to never underestimate a woman. Ordinary or X5. Breasts do not replace brains.

Unless it's a really good set and it's a male brain we're talking about.

Muse: Alec McDowell/X5-494
Fandom: Dark Angel
Word count: 132
Open to RP

jam pony, x5, (comm) realm of the muse -inactive, unit bravo, maxie, truth, terminal city, geektastic, cece, back story, manticore, jondy

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