Jul 27, 2007 13:31
Ten facts about my family.
1) My family is huge. We take up twenty Seattle city blocks. We've even got a special membership tattoo. Jealous yet?
2) My family is complicated. And entirely unconventional. We eat conventional for breakfast. With milk.
3) The two sibs that were closest to me were murdered. It'll never stop hurting.
4) The people that filled the void left by Biggs and CeCe were, surprisingly, Ordinaries for Rhode Island of all places.
5) I have a twin brother that I found out about when I was ten. I wanted him dead for the next ten years. Hardcore. Now I'm just glad we've been given the chance to be brothers. To be twins. Despite the impression you may get from this we aren't cuddly in the least. Nor are we even that much alike. But we are identical. Clones even.
6) Admittedly in my misspent, often drugged, and concussed and entirely fucked up younger days I looked to Colonel Lydecker the way most people looked to their father. I wanted to make him proud. And then I met John. Yeah, we nearly killed each other when we first met, but he's way more of a father to me than Deck. And I've only had a year or so in John's company. I had twenty of Deck and nothing was ever enough for him. At least with John I have a real chance.
7) Ally. Ally Cat is the best. I will kick the ass of anyone that says otherwise. Seriously.
8) I'm a God father. Weird isn't it? But I'd do anything for the Hell Cats so it all works out.
9) Jondy, is the best younger sister a person could adopt. She's the only person that shares my last name. And her with a screwdriver? PFM.
10)Max. What can I say? The girl gives good speeches. And she may want to drop an anvil on my head, but at least she didn't let it explode. My head, I mean. Not an anvil.
I've run out of spaces but not out of family. Not bad when you think about it.
Muse: Alec McDowell/X5-494
Fandom: Dark Angel
Word count: 349
Open to RP. Regaurdless of Comm
rhode island crew,
terminal city,
seattle crew,
back story,
hell cats,
(comm) ten spot,