Zzz: December 3, 2008

Dec 03, 2008 08:52



In case anyone is wondering, my summaries of books in George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series are uncommonly short because the books are entirely commonly long.

However, I will mention that the previously-mentioned gruesomeness, in combination with my continuing diet, leads to dreams about nuclear war with the curious variation that the launch control panels are made out of s'mores.

I went to work at 9:30 p.m. on Sunday night and went home at 9:30 p.m. on Monday night, and despite the usual exhaustion and stupidity that this implies, I actually felt pretty OK about, possibly because while I was waiting for my compiles to explode, I passed the time by catching up on DXS Machina, and then browsing, or rather systematically mowing my way through the works of inkmo.
<-- work -->
The main headache in defusing the compiles was learning enough about our wacky build tool to understand why it was abruptly diving into a mountain range instead of coming smoothly down into the ocean where I'd aimed it. I would pretty much get everything out of its way, move the ramp a centimetre or two, hit the switch, and wait for the fireworks. It was kind of like driving with Sam Starfall.
After that I spent an entire working day reviewing a single code change on another project, just as I had been dreading I would have to. At some point I just gave up and told them to go over what I'd already written and come back to me when that was done.
At home now, I'm enjoying a super-tasty serving of daikon with tofu in my own black bean garlic sauce nearly indistinguishable from the kind out of a jar. The only difficulty is that I think I tried a little too hard to save money on the black beans, in that this brand has the occasional small rock in place of a salted, fermented soy bean. It's nothing too terrible, I mean, they're just little rocks, but it does encourage me not to eat too fast.
This particular batch of daikon was made from the second half of a root that was as long as my arm, which I had to ask the store people to cut in half so that it would fit in my pannier bags. I've been using it in a turnip recipe, and it works fine given 10-15 minutes more cooking time.
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