Catching up...

Aug 09, 2009 14:44

For which I can thank LJ's "view your FList on any given date" technology, which beats the holy motherfucking shit out of going back by increments of 15 till you recognize a post. Now, if only those archival applications presented things in descending order of age from top to bottom. Seriously. How is it that so few blogs highlight the option to read entries in logical chronological order? Why am I always dumping to the bottom of a web page, in order to scroll up to the start of an entry, then down to the bottom to read it, then up through everything I just read to do the same thing with the next entry? Am I missing something obvious?

Anyway, this post, aside from kvetching about the logic of the blagoblogs, was to highlight why The Daily Show has become my most trusted news source. Here's their take on the things those "lets not waste taxpayer money" Republicans do when they've got the floor in our capital. Specifically, the muddled and nonsensical tale of Sir Taxalot - cuz, hyuck, get it, those damnfool Democrats wanna raise taxes and do stupid things like provide increasingly necessary services for the majority of citizens!

(Thanks to groovesinorbit, I think, for the link.)
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