
Mar 30, 2009 18:32

Because sometimes my brain latches onto an idea, and won't let go until it's executed, and because I've banged my head into some Baby's First Discussion of Privilegetm situations, I present to you a cathartic musical interlude, based upon an exotic, generations-old WASPish rhythm of the far-flung Occident...

Privileged Individual's Song

I am the very model of a priv'leg'd individual,
advantages overt, covert, and often quite subliminal.
I don't use any racial slurs, I don't burn crosses on the lawn,
I don't get why the PoC around me always carry on!
I'm wholly colorblind, you see, your race is something I ignore,
To even bring the topic up is something that I quite abhor;
I think it's rampant racism to treat anyone diff'rently,
or talk about the legacy of centuries of history.

I'm one of the good guys, by God, how dare you label me racist,
If you weren't all so sensitive, how gladly we could co-exist!
Because be it overt, covert, or often quite subliminal,
I am the very model of a priv'leg'd individual.

I grok your mythic history, aboriginal or voudousant,
I've read up on the topic, at a library up in Vermont.
I've googled and I've yahoo'd, my research is quite commendable,
So all your touchy arguments are unjust and untenable.
You don't know me, don't judge me now, I don't have to take all your shit,
'Cause who are you to tell me that my deeds are inappropriate?
I swear you people just look for excuses to get in a snit;
I ask'd my black friend years ago, he said my views were all legit!

So I can call on Raven and on Legba and on Coyote,
And you still can't say shit because those gods are not your property:
Because be it overt, covert, or often quite subliminal
I am the very model of a priv'leg'd individual.

In fact, when I know what is meant by "racism" and "privilege",
When I can listen to critique without going over the edge,
When snide dismissive arguments I become more wary at,
And when I know it's not enough to eschew racial epithet,
When I have learnt what progress has been made in racial dialogue --
When I know more of Other'ng than a nazi brought before den Haag --
In short, when I have pierced beyond the superfi-ci-al veneer,
You'll see the perfect picture of a dialectic pioneer.

For all my racial learning, though I'm full of sensitivity,
Has only been caught up to the middle of the last century;
And still, be it overt, covert, or often quite subliminal,
I am the very model of a priv'leg'd individual.

It could use some work. Iambic octameter is a bitch. But it had to be done.


racefail, filk, humor, rant

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