I have a research presentation coming up, which means, of course... PROCRASTINATION. And what is the best way to procrastinate, you might ask, aside from spending my time at various coffee shops, partying, and listening to very loud alternative punk music at 2am in the morning?
That's right, updating Cloak and Dagger!
Chapter 5 is up. I added a new scene from Michael's POV, so things would flow better. There's a new character, too, although he probably won't appear again in the story. I kind of imagine him to look like Dr. Watson, as played by Jude Law in the most recent Holmes movie.
Some people have told me they've had trouble locating the link, so I guess embedding the link in the text made it a little difficult to find. So here is the URL for the story's new home. Hope this helps!
http://authonomy.com/ReadBook.aspx?bookid=18028&chapterid=171550#chapter P.S. This pace probably won't last. Things are about to get even more hectic, so I'm just trying to enjoy my freedom while I can!