My Father

May 01, 2007 18:38

So its a pretty common fact that everyone knows my father works hard.  All his life he's worked hard.  Growing up on the farm as the youngest son wasn't the easiest as his chores grew a little more each time another sibling moved out.  Afterwards he tried his hand at pig farming when he met my mom.  In the end he ended up in construction building Churches around the US.  Yeah, its actually kind of a cool thing to be able to tell people, yeah, my dad builds churches.

Well because of his job, he travels a lot and my mom and I and my sister have grown use to him only being home about half the year and always being very tired when he gets home.  Amazingly, despite being as tired as he was he'd still always be up at the crack of dawn cause, well it was his nature - the way he, a farm boy, was born and breed.  Growing up always seeing dad moving around and doing more jobs that most people can keep up with... its strange to come home from college now and see dad in bed in the middle of the day or walking the house in the middle of the night because of pain...

So from his lifestyle, we all knew dad was starting to wear down his body - it wasn't a real big surprise.  But he took a fall a few months back and hurt his shoulder pretty bad.  The docter said he couldn't do anything for it and that was that.  Dad continued to work hard - but started loosing sleep at night.  A little while ago he hurt it again - but continued to go on the road jobs that his work required of him.  Just recently had an accedent with a ladder - I'm not entirely sure if he fell from the ladder or the ladder fell on him, but either way the ladders they use are /huge/ and very very heavy... he hurt his shoulder again.

Finally went to the docter's again and come to find out he tore his rotery cup pretty bad.  They said they need to get him into surgery as soon as possible or they might not be able to fix anything - in fact it might already be too late.  So the hospital is making room to get him in Friday - we won't know what time till thursday night... but its my dad... and its his shoulder - sure might not sound like much... but its my dad.  To think that he won't be able to do everything that I always see him doing... in fact he'll have no use of his arm for quite some time... I don't know how its going to change things...  I just hope that everything turns out good.  Not okay, not alright.  I hope it turns out good.  because he deserves good.

As a side note I got my first 4.0 in a class!  Organic Chemistry Lab!  Unfortunatly, I managed to do something horribly wrong in Analytical chemistry...  Still trying to figure out what, but chances are if I do badly on the final tomorrow morning I'm going to have to seriously look into retaking the class... which sucks cause classes cost so much... Ugh... 
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