Go to Hell, Dante! (and other, equally bad puns)

Dec 04, 2005 06:46

It's winter in New York.

I can tell because my hair is frizzy and my lips are chapped. Or maybe it's all the damn snow on the ground.

I still hate Dante? Have I ranted about Dante enough yet? No. No, I don't think I have. I wonder what circle I'd end up in-- too many options to consider. Blasphemers, certainly. Well, and definitely violence against self. Oh, and violence against nature is up there...not that I've been doing anything particularly worthy of that sin lately. *fumes*

My fish is glaring at me. Yeah, that's right. My fish, Virgil, whom I named after the guide in the book of which the TERM PAPER THAT ATE MY LIFE is based on. Okay, that was melodramatic. Geesh. But really, he looks quite threatening in his own 7cm long sort way.

So, anyone want to hear about the impact of St. Augustine's theology on the geographic description of the City of Dis? Yeah, me neither. *pout*

I will finish the damn thing today. I will finish the damn thing today. I will finish the damn thing today. I will finish the damn thing today. I will finish the damn thing today. I will finish the damn thing today. I will finish the damn thing today. I will. I will. I will.

(the sole purpose of the entry is to put that in print so I'll feel guilty later)

On an unrelated note: my nose looks funny in my avatar. Oh well, such happens when my picture is taken through red cellophane.


studiousness(and other suspect behavior)

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