The book chapter that my colleague Steve A. and I have been working on since, oh, 2004 ..... *drum roll please* ... has a publication date!
It's called
Electronic Tribes: The Virtual Worlds of Geeks, Gamers, Shamans, and Scammers. The chapter is question is 13, entitled, Mundanes at the Gate . . . and Perverts Within: Managing Internal and External Threats to Community Online. It's in the subsection entitled, "Cybercrime and Counterculture", which means slash is counterculture, I hope.
The chapter was based on interviews done at a major slash con back in 2004. We wrote the chapter in 2005, and then the book process bogged down. When they finally sent page proofs a few months ago, both Steve and I were afraid the entire thing would be so dated that it would make no sense. Luckily, we both feel it held up well.
While everything has been thoroughly anonymized, time has taken care of anything that might be the slightest recognizable. At least, I can't tell anything about who said what at this point! It centers on the slash community's transition from mailing lists to livejournal, and who knows? this might have relevance for some future transition.
The publication date -- which is June 2008 -- will reveal all.