Kouhaku Individual Performance Ratings

Jan 04, 2010 20:00

Concerning ratings for Kouhaku, so far we have been updated on the average ratings for the entire show:

1st half - 37.1%
2nd half - 40.8%

The ratings for individual performances during Kouhaku are out.

LINK: http://mainichi.jp/enta/geinou/news/20100104k0000e040046000c.html

For Kanto ratings (which is the main ratings score), in first place is Dreams Come True with 50.1% and in second place is SMAP's Sotto Kyutto/Sekai ni Hitotsu Dake no Hana with 48.7% followed closely by Kitajima Saburo with 48.6%.

SMAP's Michael Jackson tribute is 44.6%, which ties them with Sakamoto Fuyumi in 5th place.

LINK: http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/6899/ruru1262575189021.jpg

Above image: The red line shows the ratings for Kouhaku. SMAP's Michael Jackson tribute is marked out at 9:57 with a picture of Kimura Takuya dancing to Billie Jean. Another interesting fact is Susan Boyle's performance (rating = 42.2%), which is marked at 9:12 with her picture.

For reference, here is the ratings graph from the Nagoya region,

LINK: http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/5096/1262571059914.jpg

This graph puts SMAP into first place with the highest rating of 52.3% and SMAP's Michael Jackson tribute at 5th place with a rating of 48.1%.

Everything (the news, the images, the translation, the links) comes from Asycas of Channel SMAP.

I just wanted to spread the good news for a little celebration. Congratulations SMAP!

news: other

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